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  1. S

    Gavita lights

    Yet another useless post. Do you actually know anything? Or do you just troll all day That's seems a lot more reasonable
  2. S

    Gavita lights

    Yeah if I'm going to incorporate them in I think that's the best route. I was going to use them as side lighting and maybe the edges of the 3X6 trays with a few sprinkles in along side of the HID fixture.
  3. S

    Gavita lights

    So again.. What is the price range for a 1000w COB LED setup? I already said earlier that I wouldn't be apposed to mixing the two light sources. I can see benefits in both.
  4. S

    Gavita lights

    Slow clap for Juan Pablo. He has finally figured out the obvious. I don't know shit. I made that very clear in my first post. We get it you like LED but you havent posted a single shred of useful data. So please STFU
  5. S

    Gavita lights

    Alright guys chill with the bickering. Let's keep this to a dull roar. I asked a few questions a while back that haven't been awnsered yet. Also what is the deal with the ACDE lights? Are those the same as regular DE bulbs?
  6. S

    Gavita lights

    Yes you can. The SE/DE bulbs are universal. I posted that earlier in the thread.
  7. S

    Gavita lights

    One thing i see with the LED's that I like is the even spread of the light. I think that has a lot to do with its success. Also no one has answered the money question. What does 2k worth of LED cost vs. 2k of gavida. Also what kind of amp draw difference will you see between the two.
  8. S

    Gavita lights

    Who said anything about a 4X4 tent?
  9. S

    Gavita lights

    So im naturally skeptical of LED becuase I have no personal experience with it and have seen what I'm now assuming was old technology grows (shit weed from good genetics) I like that you are skeptical of them so can your share with me what you have seen that makes you this way? I want to know...
  10. S

    Gavita lights

    I'm aware there isn't a magic fix for the quality. I've had my fair share of grows with wins and losses along the way. 8X8 is a good size but can start to get hot real quick if shit isn't on point. I do have a soare 12k BTU unit can run so it shouldn't be a big issue if I ran a few 1000's. Maybe...
  11. S

    Gavita lights

    Yeah and thats what im avoiding. I want 4-5lbs of top grade herb not 3 and a pound of larf..
  12. S

    Gavita lights

    Good point. I would say that the 6lb 8X8 guy did exactly that. i started a personal conversation with him asking what percentage of the 6lbs he sees is larf. Also i agree with the 4 DE lights but man that would create a lot of heat in that tent. the temperature where im at is warm too so...
  13. S

    Gavita lights Might make a believer out of me with this grow..
  14. S

    Gavita lights

    yeah i ran across that thread today i want to see how long he vegged and plant numbers to yield that.
  15. S

    Gavita lights

    My new grow "room" will be confined to a 8X8X8 tent unfortunately. I think I am going to run two 3X6 tables (aero) to beat utilize this space so I am open to options. Being able to yield 4lbs from a tent that size of PREMIUM quality bud is the goal. The part of the world I'm in the customers...
  16. S

    Gavita lights

    Fair argument. Now what is the quality of his tops or new COB lighting vs. a DE or newer technology HID light.
  17. S

    Gavita lights

    I'm not commenting on his GPW. That is obviously impressive. The quality of half of that plant is shit. It would literally be thrown away in my garden. When I see that it just turns me off. Trust me, I want to like LED's it just makes sense and solves almost all the problems indoors growers face.
  18. S

    Gavita lights

    Also look at this video. Sounds like a good idea until the end where you see all the larf.. Look at the bottom of those plants. Total shit.
  19. S

    Gavita lights

    Strongest argument I've seen for LED's yet. Maybe these cobs are just that much better that what I've seen before but every LED grow I've seen the buds just lacked something. They were either scraggly or soft looking.. What would it cost to properly fill say an 8X8X8 tent with them as apposed to...
  20. S

    8X8X8 Tent 3 month time frame 5lbs

    Also the more I try to map out and design a complicated vertical aero setup the more I want to say F it and just stick with some horizontal aero trays run side by side.. Maybe two 3X6 trays with a gavida light under each tray turned all the way up would do the trick. I just don't have a lot of...