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  1. G

    1000 watt hps

    Cheers mate the temp is 24-26 when there on but there turned to 600 at the min I'll give um a boost tomoz there to I'll move light a bit closer in a few days dont want to shock um
  2. G

    1000 watt hps

    Iv not used these befor, when do you turn them up to full power, can you do it as soon as you flip or should unfair a couple of weeks, and how far should u keep them from plants
  3. G

    Havin a nightmare any ideas

    I got me mates lad to taste the hot Sauce said it wood go nice with chips Hahaa but a bit hot for him said it hit the back of his throat, it seems to have done the trick with the plants I’m heading back up there today after work will let u no an take a few picks
  4. G

    Havin a nightmare any ideas

    No mate it’s in a woodland dosnt rearly get windy in there, an it’s on quite a lot of a few of the plants, I’m gona get the hot sauce made after the match, i sent the wife shoppin before to get some supplies,
  5. G

    Havin a nightmare any ideas

    5 mil per litre I put in mixed with organic soap so simalar to u mate but the cunts still havin a nibble
  6. G

    Havin a nightmare any ideas

    Ye it’s the good stuff mate cold pressed 100%
  7. G

    Havin a nightmare any ideas

    Ill give the hot sauce a go as well, I like hot sauce
  8. G

    Havin a nightmare any ideas

    Pick won’t send
  9. G

    Havin a nightmare any ideas

    A few from 1 of the spots Carnt wait till they flower, do they shoot up like when under a light indoors, a couple about 5 foot now looking good
  10. G

    Havin a nightmare any ideas

    Cheers pal I’ll keep with the neem oil an try this netting it’s are first time outdoors it’s enjoyable but nightmare when u put the hard work in an the bugs are ruining your plants cheers for the help
  11. G

    Havin a nightmare any ideas

    I’ll look for some mozzy netting an give it a go they ate there in numbers I get savaged on a weekly basis
  12. G

    Havin a nightmare any ideas

    There not in flower for a few more weeks, an ye fuck me neem oil stinks me mate said it’s good fir ye skin an rubbed it on his hands stunk for days
  13. G

    Havin a nightmare any ideas

    Won’t pepper spray make it taste nasty
  14. G

    Havin a nightmare any ideas

    Carnt net um to many what type of net tho, could try got a cupple of spots goin
  15. G

    Havin a nightmare any ideas

    This shit spred in all over me outdoor plants been spraying with neem oil every week but gettin worse any ideas
  16. G

    Strange leaf growth any ideas

    Cheers mate that’s pretty much what we have done mabe that why they haven’t spread
  17. G

    Strange leaf growth any ideas

    Nice 1 for the reply’s iv looked at pictures an recon it might be those broad mites do they spred fast it’s been on a couple of plants for a while but the others are fine
  18. G

    Strange leaf growth any ideas

    Would you only use that while there in veg or can you use it in flower as well, dose it affect the taste
  19. G

    Strange leaf growth any ideas

    It’s on a lot of the new growth on 2 plants the rest are fine, a few are a bit light in colour, iv sprayed with neem oil the last 2 weeks, some have been nibbled on, is there anything else recommended for spraying to keep the bugs off um, it’s not gone into flower yet so shouldn’t be reveging...