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  1. Captain Keg

    Here is Trump saying marijuana legalization is bad

    Should I join the line to kill you?
  2. Captain Keg

    Here is Trump saying marijuana legalization is bad

    Shut up you Nazi / anti Jew screw ball. Reported for being a sissy.
  3. Captain Keg

    Here is Trump saying marijuana legalization is bad

    I take it that really was all the material you had. Google how to be a troll, I'll be here waiting. Tip for the future, don't get any of that sand in my sandwich!
  4. Captain Keg

    Here is Trump saying marijuana legalization is bad

    Your getting better at trolling lil lou, I give that a 3/10. Now go get your wife, I'm board.
  5. Captain Keg

    Here is Trump saying marijuana legalization is bad

    YAWN! Why can't you just use a few brain cells & come up with something decent to say?
  6. Captain Keg

    Here is Trump saying marijuana legalization is bad

    Could of predicted that post. Your like a broken record lil lou, no new material? I give you a 2/10 for trying to troll.
  7. Captain Keg

    Here is Trump saying marijuana legalization is bad

    Am I missing something?
  8. Captain Keg

    Here is Trump saying marijuana legalization is bad

    Obviously, how else could you live with yourself? :sleep: Thought of anything else yet?
  9. Captain Keg

    Here is Trump saying marijuana legalization is bad

    Thats all you've got? Lol C'mon bro....dig deep...little girls could roast you at this rate.
  10. Captain Keg

    Here is Trump saying marijuana legalization is bad

    This confirms it my pervious thought. You have no idea how to troll, Im board of you now...go away NEXT!
  11. Captain Keg

    Here is Trump saying marijuana legalization is bad

    Another tweaker post? You must be running out of things to say, Google "how to troll" for a few ideas. Run along little boy.
  12. Captain Keg

    Here is Trump saying marijuana legalization is bad

    Don't change the subject, you were thinking of me. Were you underdressing me too? Reported for being a possible sexual predator.
  13. Captain Keg

    Here is Trump saying marijuana legalization is bad

    I must be on your mind when you make two posts towards one of mine. Poor attempt at trolling, but keep trying. :clap:
  14. Captain Keg

    Here is Trump saying marijuana legalization is bad

    Bla bla bla little boy.
  15. Captain Keg

    Here is Trump saying marijuana legalization is bad

    Tolerance society? You mean the people who "want free shit"? Yeah they're usually toss pots having a mid life crisis.
  16. Captain Keg

    Here is Trump saying marijuana legalization is bad

    that makes zero sense. Reported for being delusional.
  17. Captain Keg

    Here is Trump saying marijuana legalization is bad

    You come across as the kind of person that would enjoy, telling a person their entire way of life is wrong. I on the other hand, don't care how anyone lives their lives. I live mine how I like, I'm not saying it's the right or wrong way, it just suits me. Been a fascist long?
  18. Captain Keg

    Here is Trump saying marijuana legalization is bad

    Go educate yourself, I'll be here waiting on you.
  19. Captain Keg

    Here is Trump saying marijuana legalization is bad

    awww, look at you, making a little rhyme :clap:
  20. Captain Keg

    Here is Trump saying marijuana legalization is bad

    Well, on a birth certificate it mentions "ethnicity". So yeah....damn those racist midwives! Reported for race batin' once again. I don't know, I don't take colour into consideration when speaking to a person, how would you rate him ya racist?