Hey m8y's...unfortunately, I'm going to have to drop out of this comp...I just found out I'm to be away for a while, and its going to screw up my updating schedule too bad to keep on. Better bow out now before things heat up, to leave room for you all to work your magic. All the best...
CUPdate: they're all growing nicely...the one is interesting, with a set of top leaves, and two heads below, sort of a double-headed hydra, or something. Carry on. :)
First update. I usually try to shoot for Saturday nights for my updates...it seems to have worked in past comps, so I'm sticking with it. The one that popped 4 days earlier than the others is starting to take off. They do like this soil mix. :)
1st Official post
Genetics: PlushBerry² - this is a homebrew IBL, using the (now discontinued) PlushBerry Line from TGA. I mated the frost-fest, kushy leaning pheno with the pink coloured, cherry tasting pheno, and these are the offspring. :)
Medium: my own mix - super soil
Nutrients: GO...
I had been leaning toward PlushBerry, since I have several hundred beans, but I'm considering running Provision's Purple Widow instead...perhaps I'll pop some of both, to give me some choice. The PW grows like an absolute beast!
I've got an Apollo8...been using it a couple of years. It works fine. Also have an A51 XGS-190, and grow about the same quantity from both, however, the XGS uses less energy, and is better built, in general. The flowers are prettier, too!
Ok, after a bit of deliberation as to what I'm planning on running...I'm going to bring some heat, with my IBL cross of Sub's now discontinued Plush Berry line. Cant go wrong with either phenotype: the kushy frost fest, or the one that turns gorgeous shades of lavender-pink-purple.
Since I haven't seen you in the finishers lane in the last few cups, I'll take my chances against ya, @The Dawg. I've seen lots of shiite talk tho... :)
1. @mc130p - how can you top that? props, m8
2. @Sevren - yep, thats a beaut!
3. @AlaskanMedMan - with free/loaned gear, thats a pretty nice finish, m8.
Thanks @FrozenChozen for hosting this thing. And @bryleetch, those spreadsheets were gold. Many K+
Hats off to all finishers. Its a feat...
Here's my entry. Although she battled a late stage illness, which severely affected her finishing weeks, I still pulled off a half-arsed entry, with a great smell and vape.
A few highlights of my entry:
As always, its been a slice. Cant wait for the next one. I may resurrect my e&b micro...