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  1. KineBoisin420

    6th Official Party Cup Grow Competition!!!!!!

    Holy farkk, @mc130p thats awesome! Thats how one claims the title in style!
  2. KineBoisin420

    6th Official Party Cup Grow Competition!!!!!!

    Well, here we are m8y' last official Update in this comp. My girl reached for the stars early in the comp, and I was thinking she'd top my last comp weight of 20g, with her early vigor and height. And she continued to impress, week after week. But as we all know in party cup land, its the...
  3. KineBoisin420

    6th Official Party Cup Grow Competition!!!!!!

    Just a mid-week mini-update, since my regular day isnt until Sat. With her problems of dying leaves and what not, she's pretty much stopped uptaking water I had to chop her down. Next to nothing leaf wise to pull, although there's some good flowers on her, I'm disappointed, as...
  4. KineBoisin420

    6th Official Party Cup Grow Competition!!!!!!

    Update: Man, what a rough week on my girl. Most of her fan leaves got pretty crusty and died early in the week. I flushed her with plain h20 and let her sit a few days...she's coming around again, but has lost a number of fan leaves. Sigh. This round is getting a bit away from me. Still a few...
  5. KineBoisin420

    6th Official Party Cup Grow Competition!!!!!!

    Update, Day 65 A few leaves are starting to get a bit crunchy...but she's still growing away, grow, grow grow...
  6. KineBoisin420

    KB's garden

    Damn, sorry m8s...its been a while since I posted an update here. With family visits and other shiite, I've been distracted, to say the least. I will take some pictures tonight and post them later on, after the wees are in bed and I can meander down to the plant room. Of my 4 PW, only 2...
  7. KineBoisin420

    6th Official Party Cup Grow Competition!!!!!!

    Update, Day 57 Here's a picture showing her hanging with her mates in the tent. Just a quick snap to fulfill my weekly quota. The lowest two leaves got yellow and died over the week, but the plant is showing no signs of deficiency otherwise, and is fattening up nicely. She's starting to smell...
  8. KineBoisin420

    6th Official Party Cup Grow Competition!!!!!!

    Update, Day 50 Just a quick snap to fulfill my weekly update, since we have family visiting until tomorrow, and I haven't been able to spend a ton of time in the plant area. Will check in tomorrow after they've left. Peace, m8ys.
  9. KineBoisin420

    6th Official Party Cup Grow Competition!!!!!!

    Update - Day 43 Wow, WTF has been going on?...hope we can get back to the growing and showing, and less of the shiite. Way too much negativity going on lately...big group hug, m8y's. Eat a chocolate bunny, give your thanks to Jesus, and carry on. :bigjoint: Here's my biyatch, chugging along...
  10. KineBoisin420

    6th Official Party Cup Grow Competition!!!!!!

    Update, Day 36 She really reached for the sky this week, my stretchy mcstretcherson, but nearly met her tragic end after a crashing fall the other day. I think she's ok, although perhaps a few brain cells knocked loose.
  11. KineBoisin420

    6th Official Party Cup Grow Competition!!!!!!

    I too would vote for a 1-time mulligan extension of 1 day or perhaps 2 tops, as shit does happen. However, that said, I schedule my updates in my phone, so I do not forget, and I have never had an issue being late. Even if I had to be away on my regularly scheduled update day, I still snapped an...
  12. KineBoisin420

    6th Official Party Cup Grow Competition!!!!!!

    Update, Day 29 Declaration post So they both showed their lady parts this week...yes, incredible luck, reg beans and all. It really was a roll of the dice, as both could have made great contestants, but going forward, my beauty in the pageant will be, Master Kaze #1. She was just a little...
  13. KineBoisin420

    6th Official Party Cup Grow Competition!!!!!!

    Its purdy, but its early still...lots of time to fook up the works. ;)
  14. KineBoisin420

    6th Official Party Cup Grow Competition!!!!!!

    I'm going to be ready to declare by Saturday's update too...exciting times! :)
  15. KineBoisin420

    6th Official Party Cup Grow Competition!!!!!!

    What I meant was you'd show it with your next regularly scheduled update...if you're coming with an update they've all sexed, you should also come with your decision in hand. If they all show sex in the middle of your week, you may come on here and beak about it, but you don't have to declare on...
  16. KineBoisin420

    6th Official Party Cup Grow Competition!!!!!!

    If they're both showing sex, you have to decide and declare by your next update.
  17. KineBoisin420

    6th Official Party Cup Grow Competition!!!!!!

    Hmmm...those cups look suspect. Perhaps the overlord @FrozenChozen needs to weigh in.
  18. KineBoisin420

    KB's garden

    Mystery bean is doing well, as are the parsley that share the cup. The other 4 are the PW's...I see necks 3 of them, so I'm sure we'll be seeing some sprouting action in the next day or so. Until then... :bigjoint: