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  1. Uncle Reefer

    B.C. to ban the sale of pot in liquor stores, allow landlords to ban home-grown grass

    But what about a poorly built grow room that destroys the house? You feel you have the right to do this?
  2. Uncle Reefer

    What’s wrong with my buildasoil grow (newbie)

    Pretty quickly you will see improvement
  3. Uncle Reefer

    What’s wrong with my buildasoil grow (newbie)

    I will say 95% yes as far as I can tell and from what I know from over here. Those cups are a short temp soution, they get hot , they let light though they dont breath well.... A root bound plant tends to look like yours
  4. Uncle Reefer

    Air and plant temperatures under LED

    keep the dirt under 75 and a room temp of 82 the hot spot on the canopy should be under 90 at all times ,this is with co2 and 60% humidity
  5. Uncle Reefer

    What’s wrong with my buildasoil grow (newbie)

    I take clones out of red solo cups after 1-5 days and put them in 2-gallon smart pots. 13-day cycle: clones root in 8-12 days and get moved to cups till space is available in the veg area. Any longer in cups and they root bind really quickly. I do not like roots that spin around the edges
  6. Uncle Reefer

    Price of Pot Plumets under Trump

    I grow weed to feed it to my worms, I call them Harrold.
  7. Uncle Reefer

    Using a 1000w 240v Solis Tek ballast in America

    use your stove plug or your dryer plug or your electric heater plugs. THese are 240v. TIme to spend a day looking at you tube videos about house wiring
  8. Uncle Reefer


    Not defending Trump, but America and all other G8 countries can't do anything but borrow more money until they start welching on debt. There isn't enough money to pay the interest on the debt you already have. If it wasn't for all the guns your military has this house of cards would have...
  9. Uncle Reefer

    What’s wrong with my buildasoil grow (newbie)

    you need to repot, Do it yesterday those cups are way too small
  10. Uncle Reefer

    Price of Pot Plumets under Trump

    I honestly cant see to much time being saved with scale, unless you use big ass fancy machines like trimmers that willl save you 40 bucks in labour but add manning the machine and the cost of the machine 10,000 plus. Or you could get an auto potter 12,000 plus plus maning the machine to save...
  11. Uncle Reefer

    Price of Pot Plumets under Trump

    THe math I have done is each pound is about 100 in electricity 200 in labour about 300-450 in location and 150 in gear, plus supplies 0-whatever THe hours worked are suprising what would you think you would spend the most time on ? Trimming? Watering? ? For me it is hands down repotting and...
  12. Uncle Reefer

    Difference between Mean Well drivers

    very nice, you newbies got it so good nowadays. You wouldn't believe the crap we started with back in the day. About your question, if it works and didn't catch fire you are good. THe softer you run it the better it is
  13. Uncle Reefer

    Price of Pot Plumets under Trump

    This must be some Russian plot to corrupt our youth and cause Reefer Madness. Why does Trump want lower pot prices?
  14. Uncle Reefer

    How do you stop a flowering beast?!?

    I am assuming your light is 4 feet long but if it is not we will call it X feet long. Tie a string about one foot from the top of your plant this is point A 4 feet or X feet below the string this is point B support the plant from the dirt up, tho point B use a cage or something. Pull your plant...
  15. Uncle Reefer

    Oregon's top prosecutor holds marijuana summit to address 'massive' pot surplus

    in Canada, if an LP sells some of their unsellable weed on the black market they will be risking their license. Looking forward to that
  16. Uncle Reefer

    Marijuana investors get a healthy dose of volatility as shares plunge

    My point is that there is very little upside to an LP if you consider how little profit there is in it for them,,, until they start using armies. Cheers gb123 I am just commenting on the business of weed in a business thread. of course medical is very important
  17. Uncle Reefer

    Anyone still have a home phone?

    missed it by a month ,I moved into a place years ago that just got off the party line the previous month
  18. Uncle Reefer

    Anyone still have a home phone?

    Of course I do .How else will I be able to keep in touch with random scammers from India. Always brightens my day.
  19. Uncle Reefer

    Marijuana investors get a healthy dose of volatility as shares plunge

    costs are costs man, doesn't matter what it is for and 2 years, go buy some 2 year old gear, what is is worht to you? What will you pay for it compaired to what was paid for it new?