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  1. KarmaPaymentPlan

    Most Efficient LED Light

    WHAT FACTS???? you have proved you have nothing to contribute
  2. KarmaPaymentPlan

    Is 600w per plant over-kill?

    full of contradictions your so cool
  3. KarmaPaymentPlan

    Most Efficient LED Light

    most be that "enhanced" spectrum getting to you do you understand SPD? do you understand BINS? what makes your over priced exclusive get in touch with me light so impressive compared to other products that advertise using better parts?
  4. KarmaPaymentPlan

    Most Efficient LED Light

    Excuses, excuses. An led grow light is an led grow light. What's your point. They all cost the same so should they all produce the same? i no know math me so stupid BUY AMARE BEST LIGHT BEST GROW
  5. KarmaPaymentPlan

    Most Efficient LED Light

    pretty sure growmau5 has stumped your yields and has time to make great vids and help the community using straight cobs wake up and smell the coffee freakin shill prove it rather then brag
  6. KarmaPaymentPlan

    Most Efficient LED Light

    is that the same comp that crowned KIND best light of 2016?:roll: how about wait till you do some par testing before spreading your propaganda you post this crap every chance you get how about keep in in your pants till you can prove it your clogging all the threads
  7. KarmaPaymentPlan

    The COB club

    with more watering in veg i noticed faster growth in my set up dont like to run that high temps in flower concerned about stressing them and ive never had a crispy leaf from heat since HPS most of the time people complain about fluffy larger nugs when running to hot in flower just curious
  8. KarmaPaymentPlan

    The COB club

    what do you mean "issues"?
  9. KarmaPaymentPlan

    The COB club

    in veg and early flower i run my temps higher ~85 the lack of IR emitted from the cobs has to be compensated for imo this in turn helps my soil dry more regularly and keeping a more regular water schedule
  10. KarmaPaymentPlan

    Is 600w per plant over-kill?

    1200w seems like alot for 2 plants unless you are going to veg for for several months. a 600w covers roughly 4'x4' is your 3 foot tall plant going to cover 16 square feet?
  11. KarmaPaymentPlan

    LED Companies w/ LINKS

    thats the point why pay a premium for over driven cobs when you can get more light for the same money
  12. KarmaPaymentPlan

    10billion for a fence vs... Well you know..

    o the money we should spend n health care and education you got enough time to post enough crap you have enough time to watch this
  13. KarmaPaymentPlan

    Which would you choose and why?

    i think you missed the point about using LED for veg as it would save him more money fro sure t5 is outdated and i hated always buying bulbs thats why fixtures are practically given away
  14. KarmaPaymentPlan

    Have any of you DIY COB Growers finished a crop under 1000W DE HPS? - POLL

    i meant hydro always switching the water constantly "washing" your roots
  15. KarmaPaymentPlan

    Have any of you DIY COB Growers finished a crop under 1000W DE HPS? - POLL

    dont forget water is a pretty good solvent and you are constantly diluting your root zone
  16. KarmaPaymentPlan

    The end of LED is nigh. Incandescent will rise again.

    the way you beat around the bush reminds me of another large mouthed bum i know
  17. KarmaPaymentPlan

    1000watt HPS replacement bulb

    so Cob already smashes HID as far as yield would you say that with the proper heating i could potentially increase my yield to closer to 3x the yield of your HPS? what about potency cobs already can produce equivalent if not better thc content plus turpines and cannabinoids if i supplemented...