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    first ever grow, indoors, soil. 2nd attempt

    ok thx no mor water then

    first ever grow, indoors, soil. 2nd attempt

    NEW FOODS OK? the first is called, DYNAMITE select plant food pellets, says it feeds up to 9 months. dont think it lasts that long tho. the neutrient code is 15-5-9 says "perfect for all flowering plants, trees, shrubs, houseplants, palms, grasses, and herbs" most of thoes sound like a good...

    first ever grow, indoors, soil. 2nd attempt

    HEY 4 of the 8 seeds cracked, waitin for other 4 now, should only be a couple more days, flushed pot last nite, and guna do it again in a couple days once it dryes some, tryin to get nutes to go down, mighta been part of my prob.

    first ever grow, indoors, soil. 2nd attempt

    UPDATE found out i got worked up over nuthin, they wernt white flyes just annoying knats, oh well, i think my second batch of seeds are from a stonger plant so hopefuly ill be able to make it through this run to find out

    first grow ever. indoors, in basement, in soil, suggestions & advise plz/thx

    yeah good names, its a whole house built in the 1800s square footage is around 3300 living space dont know if that includes 3rd floor or not, of course the basement is the whole footprint of it & its huge, divided into 2 parts, front 1/2 & bak 1/2, im only runin a small setup, so it can be easy...


    & here the whole time i thought i had white flys, r they the same thing? dont spray with OFF deep woods,(what a noob move huh?) plants died, they didnt leave, just multiplyed. efin bugers. tryin yalls sugestions thx ppl did sarah palin realy say that? if so im votin for her next time she runs...

    first ever grow, indoors, soil. 2nd attempt

    NEW BEGININGS ok 1st sorry my posts r so long, so much to say. new seeds started tonight by paper towel method in glass, will let know when ready, suggestions on witch ones 2 choose have 8 goin guna pick 4, or should i do all 8 & see witch do best. (better chance 4 girls) if i do that, im...

    first grow ever. indoors, in basement, in soil, suggestions & advise plz/thx

    LAST WORDS the link for white fly extermination is also found a link stating instead of isoproprol alcohol use vodka its safer for the plants. less risk of burning. starting new thred detailing my new beginings

    first grow ever. indoors, in basement, in soil, suggestions & advise plz/thx

    UPDATE sorry to waist peoples time, but they all died )^: but time to start anew with the knowledge i gained, that if u start to get worried about white flies dont run to the cubord, and grab the OFF deep woods spray just wait and get fly paper, im doin a spray of rubing alcohol & water, toget...

    first grow ever. indoors, in basement, in soil, suggestions & advise plz/thx

    CONTINUED no pics rite now, sorry can only give description, my first grow& my gf dont know,only i go in basement so safe there. i got to use what i got or can find easly, cant go buying $20 insectcides & foods at wallyworld ya know, any other details i need 2 give? just ask, thx in advance...

    first grow ever. indoors, in basement, in soil, suggestions & advise plz/thx

    CONTINUED the fan is one of thoes types that barely moves air but flutters the leaves on low and move the air some. ive stoped the extra food after the first watering after transplant. im 2-3 weeks into first transplant, and ive had to cut the first 2 little leaves on the salks, on all of em...

    first grow ever. indoors, in basement, in soil, suggestions & advise plz/thx

    hi plus first thred took some seeds from a oz of good bud, germinated them by damp paper towel method in cubord. after week or so put best four sptouts into two cut off 2L pop bottles, wraped in duct tape soil was basic potting soil. put undet a 3ft floro light balast with some cool whites.(the...