first ever grow, indoors, soil. 2nd attempt


ok 1st sorry my posts r so long, so much to say. new seeds started tonight by paper towel method in glass, will let know when ready, suggestions on witch ones 2 choose have 8 goin guna pick 4, or should i do all 8 & see witch do best. (better chance 4 girls) if i do that, im thinkin bout putin em all in a long tray the length of my balasts, till they get goin good, then transplant ones i want to my big pots. sprayed for white flys & hung fly paper, guna flush pot 2marrow & im lookin 4 cam 2 take pics when i transplant, thx 4 suggestions, chek my other thred if u need more info on what my setup is thx:weed:


found out i got worked up over nuthin, they wernt white flyes just annoying knats, oh well, i think my second batch of seeds are from a stonger plant so hopefuly ill be able to make it through this run to find out


4 of the 8 seeds cracked, waitin for other 4 now, should only be a couple more days, flushed pot last nite, and guna do it again in a couple days once it dryes some, tryin to get nutes to go down, mighta been part of my prob.


New Member
hey bud don't water so much your making a good environment for those gnats to thrive..gnats can kill a seedling


the first is called, DYNAMITE select plant food pellets, says it feeds up to 9 months. dont think it lasts that long tho. the neutrient code is 15-5-9 says "perfect for all flowering plants, trees, shrubs, houseplants, palms, grasses, and herbs" most of thoes sound like a good decription of weed rite?should i use this when i transplant or later on? says it can be used either way. got this other stuff called schultz all purpose liquid plant food plus, its neutrient code is 10-15-10 would this be better for a diff stage of life, ill do some reading on what i can find, but would appreciate tips for my budget grow, and any tips on faster growth will help too. thx