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  1. Los Reefersaurus

    220 watt, mephisto room.

    what is your temp , humidity and CO2 ppm at? Just curious
  2. Los Reefersaurus

    Colloidal Silver to make fem seeds question

    I think we are talking about spraying a know female plant to make her male, and what to do with the pollen. About smoking Sprayed plants I don't think you know you are talking about , having trace amounts of silver in your weed ain't going to do anything...
  3. Los Reefersaurus

    Colloidal Silver to make fem seeds question

    yes you could pollinate the lady branch assuming you get a lady branch. I personally after trying CS would rather pollinate a non sprayed plant, because CS is soooo powerful you might not get a lady branch on your plant. It is shocking how well a little bit...
  4. Los Reefersaurus

    Constructive Criticism Please..

    Nice quote I like it
  5. Los Reefersaurus

    The Curious Misadventures of Gorilla Bubble4

    Day 8- second set of true leaves showing. 4 are more stretched out then I would like, my money on on them being the males, one is starting to gap the first set of leaves from the false leaves
  6. Los Reefersaurus

    Cutter Electronics: Complete DIY COB kits

    Depending what it is , I might be interested
  7. Los Reefersaurus

    How to get the biggest yields ever

    When the student is ready the teacher will appear
  8. Los Reefersaurus

    Am I ready to harvest? - trichomes pics attached

    Its had to say, but yes it is possible that older near finished plants get affected by heat stress more than younger plants. But before you take this to heart, what is goal here, are you thinking of using heat stress to finish off your plants? or are you...
  9. Los Reefersaurus

    The Curious Misadventures of Gorilla Bubble4

    You are correct . I did pull the dome pretty quick after putting it on.
  10. Los Reefersaurus


    Hey , sorry to hear of your situation . Elysium Heath look it up and give it a go. You got nothing to lose at this point. And stem cells go get some stem cells
  11. Los Reefersaurus

    Am I ready to harvest? - trichomes pics attached

    you've gone too far. It this is what everything looks like take it down. Rule of thumb Amber is bad But you don't know its done till you see it So you want about 20% amber so that 80% is perfect.
  12. Los Reefersaurus

    The Curious Misadventures of Gorilla Bubble4

    More boring updates, since I have been convinced to raise my Flower room temp my veg room has warmed, since it is cooled parasitically from the flower room. I now got 88 F and an rh of 80%, I continue to have over 1500ppm CO2 Day 6 all plants are...
  13. Los Reefersaurus

    What is going on with this plant ?

    If you don't need it kill i.t if you have space for her I wouldn't be too concerned , just take some reference pictures and keep an eye on her.
  14. Los Reefersaurus

    What is going on with this plant ?

    its a pathogen, you should be able to grow right though it, it will progress too slow for it to affect the plant in a meaningful way
  15. Los Reefersaurus

    Leaves turning dark green.

    you are fine, if you had an N issue, the leaves would curl under, cup and the stems would get brittle, keep on keep'en on brosive. If anything if you haven't seen them Like this before , I would respectfully say that you are doing better this time then...
  16. Los Reefersaurus

    Test room: DE HPS vs. Citizen COBs

    Check out House of Hydro's stuff, great little units , yes the palnts will get you there but the foggers get you there right now
  17. Los Reefersaurus

    Test room: DE HPS vs. Citizen COBs

    Lol , somehow you know me. Yes I am wearing my hot pants....... Yes I got the room at 90 and the leaves at 92, no one seems upset about the 10+ degrees yet, I am in the room for another few hours so I am keeping a sideward eye on them. Since I bought...
  18. Los Reefersaurus

    Test room: DE HPS vs. Citizen COBs

    Wow 90 F with 80% RH that feels a little different . I do have co2 so no worries there. After hanging out in the room for 20 minutes at these conditions I think I sweated out all my toxins. Who needs hot yoga with a room like this?
  19. Los Reefersaurus

    Test room: DE HPS vs. Citizen COBs

    I used to run the hps leaf temp at 84-86 f the room temp was about 78f Why not ?? I will accept this and give it a go . 92 leaf temp here we go.