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  1. Bigjeff420


    Hey guys unfortunately I’m four days into the transition stage growing in soil indoors with seven gallon pots I vegged for six weeks now on a few of my plants I noticed lil white roots sticking out my pot pot I’m useing cloth airrated pots wich tells me I need to transplant right before my next...
  2. Bigjeff420

    Red light on co2 sensor

    It’s brediea and the light is part of the sensor
  3. Bigjeff420

    Red light on co2 sensor

    Yeah I will I don’t want to chance it I might send it back ty guys
  4. Bigjeff420

    Red light on co2 sensor

    I just got a new c02 monitor controller but the sensor that goes in my tent has a lil red light will this effect my dark period or is it too lol light for my girls too even notice opinions please
  5. Bigjeff420

    Leaves burnt yellow color

    ty guys
  6. Bigjeff420

    Leaves burnt yellow color

    There Bruce banner and double dream strains ty again
  7. Bigjeff420

    Leaves burnt yellow color

    Cool ty very mutch for this info this is my second grow thank I a lot
  8. Bigjeff420

    Leaves burnt yellow color

    Nah they appeared over night after I watered it was weird because I didn’t change anything and they were really healthy I fell like it’s lack of magnesium
  9. Bigjeff420

    Leaves burnt yellow color

    Yeah I was thinking that cause I was watering every two days there 6 weeks old from seed
  10. Bigjeff420

    Leaves burnt yellow color

    Bush doctor kangaroots as well all nutes r once a week except cal mag I do every feed
  11. Bigjeff420

    Leaves burnt yellow color

    Nutes cal mag fox farm grow big both foliage and watered I don’t have direct wind on them I pump fresh air in threw bottom of my tent I run 18 on 6 off
  12. Bigjeff420

    Leaves burnt yellow color

    Temp is 71 day 65 night rh 59 day 65 night ph 7.2 ffof soil
  13. Bigjeff420

    Defienciey problem

    K sorry about that temp 72 day 66 night th 60 day 50 night food soil ph 5.6 nut solution tds 71 all fox farm nutes
  14. Bigjeff420

    Defienciey problem

    What do u all think his is potassium or magnesium
  15. Bigjeff420

    Help dieing leaves

    My bad guys the pics didn’t load
  16. Bigjeff420

    Help dieing leaves

    All my plants leaves r browning just started happening yesterday temp 71 day 64 night humidity 60 d 52 night ph at 5.5 nute solution tds 72
  17. Bigjeff420

    Browning leaves help

    Leaves r turning brown on inside is it potassium opinions please
  18. Bigjeff420

    Drying leaves

    But yeah ty I was thinking the same thing just keep to schedule and keep going
  19. Bigjeff420

    Drying leaves

    Yeah I pull it out of I’m sure it might not be the heaviest or the best but it’s good bud that’s what matters lol
  20. Bigjeff420

    Drying leaves

    Barely my second grow trying double dream from growers choice seeds