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  1. Yvetteb

    7 weeks into flower .. seeds found.. continue or pull

    Thanx for your reply.. i think im just gonna run her for the week. A friend has loupe that i can borrow tomorrow so i can see how shes doing trich wise. Thankyou again
  2. Yvetteb

    7 weeks into flower .. seeds found.. continue or pull

    Yh i think i might just run it... i was going to stat a flush on friday anyways. Thanx for your response
  3. Yvetteb

    7 weeks into flower .. seeds found.. continue or pull

    i have read the hairs will receed if pollinated and white these have browned they havent receeded.
  4. Yvetteb

    7 weeks into flower .. seeds found.. continue or pull

    Hi thanx for the reply... im not putting anything new in just yet as moving in 4 weeks. I just dont want to end up with alot of seeds.. shes covered in nice sticky bud be a shame for it to be ruined.
  5. Yvetteb

    7 weeks into flower .. seeds found.. continue or pull

    Im currently growing kush bomb by bomb seeds grows gone perfect next to no problems.. had 2 girls in tent but found male flowers on one on may 19th and pulled it (she was small anyways) and hoped for the best. Well today i looked and saw a large bract so i pinched it and sure enough there was...
  6. Yvetteb

    Curling leaves in flower

    I think i probably am but there isnt anywhere else for it to go.. the lights as high as i can get it ..all i can do is try lst it more. Its my own fsult really i vegged a little longer than i intended due to high temps i was struggling to lower (before i had the cool tube and during heatwave) a...
  7. Yvetteb

    Curling leaves in flower

    The light is approx 5-7 inches above the highest part of the plant. When the burn happened the plant was about 2 inches away. I managed to get the light higher with abit of fiddling and lst'd the plant to create more space between the light and the plant. The light is in a glass cool tube with...
  8. Yvetteb

    Curling leaves in flower

    the crispy looking leaves are the ones that got close to the light same as the furthest back kola that has yellowing
  9. Yvetteb

    Curling leaves in flower

    It is quite close but the ones curling arent close at all.. im trying to upload a pic but having issues ill try again
  10. Yvetteb

    Curling leaves in flower

    Im currently growing bumble bomb under a 600w hps in an nft system. Im about 5 weeks into flower and alls been well apart from some light bleaching due to height. Ive lst'd the plant away from the light and this seems to have solved the problem. But now the leaves are curling under. Almost claw...
  11. Yvetteb

    Day 10 after flip dark time interruptions

    Ive just checked her and shes looking fine... more pistils it seems i have great hopes for this lass lol
  12. Yvetteb

    Day 10 after flip dark time interruptions

    Thanx thats what i was hoping i cant over water im in nft system.. and ph is always 6.2. Thanx for the advice i really do appreciate it... shes shaping up to be a beast would have been a shame to loose her...
  13. Yvetteb

    Day 10 after flip dark time interruptions

    Just after a little advice really... im at day 10 since flipping to 12/12 my girl is looking good and buds are just starting . The issue ive got is my timer malfuctioned and about 3 days ago stopped turning off through the night, as they are not in my property i only became aware of the issue...
  14. Yvetteb

    Nearly 6ft auto Day 61 from seed, advice please

    Sorry but im confused...mine is flowering already. Maybe you need bigger/better bulbs. Your plant should be substantially bigger than yours is at 10weeks.
  15. Yvetteb

    Nearly 6ft auto Day 61 from seed, advice please

    Thats 10 weeks old??? Its tiny. Is it even flowering?
  16. Yvetteb

    Nearly 6ft auto Day 61 from seed, advice please

    Mines thc bomb auto and its just short of 6 foot. Its stopped growing upwards now though and bud production is full swing. It stated 65 days from the breeder this one is gonna be closer to 90 days imo
  17. Yvetteb

    Nearly 6ft auto Day 61 from seed, advice please

    Ohhh i see, i thought autos did their thing regardless... ill have to remember that for next time round...