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  1. Yvetteb

    my first time growing

    You may (probably) will need more space. This is under a 600w
  2. Yvetteb

    my first time growing

    Looking good . I cant really give any constructive criticism (only on second grow also i use nft system) but imo they look healthy etc
  3. Yvetteb

    Dense buds question

    Thanx. Although im not a bro lol i have 600w hps uptop and also leds pointing on bottom. I have another girl in with her and while shes beautiful too she hasnt quite got as big
  4. Yvetteb

    Dense buds question

    I know right!!! Its a magnificent thang lol
  5. Yvetteb

    Dense buds question

    Tbh i didnt keep an eye on temps it was literally trial and error , learn from experience. Im not very experienced so i cant give you the ideal temps hieghts etc. Im sure someone with more know how will give you better advice.
  6. Yvetteb

    Pollination 3 weeks from harvest HELPPP

    Also i any seeds i find in it i wont be using. I dont think they will have time to mature anyways. But thankyou all advice is appreciated.
  7. Yvetteb

    Pollination 3 weeks from harvest HELPPP

    Hi i only found three nanners and removed them. I watch for the signs of pollination i.e hairs turning brown and withering. This only happened on one bud, the one one of the nanners was on. The rest seem to be unpollinated...
  8. Yvetteb

    thats boys right!?

    Just my two cents but it look like it. But im only on my second grow also so would probably be better to follow advice of someone more experienced
  9. Yvetteb

    Dense buds question

  10. Yvetteb

    Pollination 3 weeks from harvest HELPPP

    UPDATE!!! my girls are looking luscious lol no more nanners and super thick colas
  11. Yvetteb

    Dense buds question

    My first grow plants were quite far from lights and were airy and not good at all. Yield was pathetic lol. my second super thick dense buds. Kept the light approx 10 inches this time. Also using overdrive nutrients.
  12. Yvetteb

    Pollination 3 weeks from harvest HELPPP

    Ive had a look and a few hairs on buds next to it have turnt brown but nothing major, maybe i had a guardian angel because the i checked friday fans etc all working fine, i was caught up sat with a family thing and when i checked sat afternoon the fans had stopped working, and i found the...
  13. Yvetteb

    Pollination 3 weeks from harvest HELPPP

    This is the one i found the nanner on and the seeds. It looks different from the rest which is why i noticed. Hairs are wrinkled and turning orange etc
  14. Yvetteb

    Pollination 3 weeks from harvest HELPPP

    Thankyou for your replies. I was getting worried there lol finish lines in sight. I dont mind a few seeds just disnt want the whole thing to be a seed bank.
  15. Yvetteb

    Pollination 3 weeks from harvest HELPPP

    I thought that tbh. Online it says 40-50 days left . But i think it will go longer too. I have another in with it (last pic) which doesnt seem to have been affected, i have limited space and equipment so i havent been able to seperate them. I havent found any pollen sacs at all only the three...
  16. Yvetteb

    Pollination 3 weeks from harvest HELPPP

    Thankyou for the reply i was hoping this was the response id get. Really didnt want to hear she was a goner because shes gorgeous lol
  17. Yvetteb

    Why do you newbs always grow auto's?

    Tried autos crappy yields .... never again
  18. Yvetteb

    Pollination 3 weeks from harvest HELPPP

    This is my first post so please forgive me if i dont know the correct terms etc. This is my second grow, im currently 45 days into flower with approx 14-21 days left (strain is shark shock flower time 40-50 days, apparently). Heres my problem approx two days ago i found a 3 'nanners' on three...