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  1. danknugg


    I feel like there needs to be a forum topic at the very top called " Douche Bags and Big Dicls"
  2. danknugg


    Cool good info. I have tried running through dreams and memories before sleep but I find I rarely remember anything. I may try to look into these "vitamins?"
  3. danknugg


    This site it a place where people with similar interests can come together and learn more about many things if we allow the chance. So I am no expert, I have a understanding of what it is and how it takes place. Wow! There's places on the Internet that will give you information about all sorts...
  4. danknugg

    harvest idea good or bad?

    I am almost considering watering them in Tha dark. Why do you think it will be stressful? I see it as a prolonged death and nothing more. It's not fancy or complex.
  5. danknugg


    No do you have any suggestions? I would like to
  6. danknugg


    Yes unfortunately I do not have them yet but maybe this will help?
  7. danknugg

    RIU Weight loss Support Group

    I lost over 50 lbs in just over 2 years. Recently put about 15 on and gonna kick the shit out of those.
  8. danknugg

    harvest idea good or bad?

    I Am just going to put the potted plants inside. Whole. I think it will work but it's slow, time consuming, and requires indoor space.
  9. danknugg

    Just lost my babies to bud rot.

    Sucks. You can still water cure and turn to hash. My experience is an ounce of preventing is worth a pound of maintenance. I spray through hole crop less last few weeks. Spend a few min on Google and you will find some great organic pest control. I use hydrogen peroxide and iso alcohol the...
  10. danknugg

    RIU Weight loss Support Group

    Yes unfortunately. White bread so so bad
  11. danknugg

    tips for a better smoke?

    Best tip I ever got "take your time"
  12. danknugg

    harvest idea good or bad?

    Have you any experience? I really don't mind the extra time and just want the BEST possible product at this point.
  13. danknugg

    harvest idea good or bad?

    It just kinda hit me like dude why do you have to cut them....
  14. danknugg


    Are you messing man or you serious I'm gonna Google this
  15. danknugg


    Famous like a drug that I've taken too much of but I never ever trip just peace happiness and love
  16. danknugg

    Survey: Do you manicure before or after you start drying?

    Dry 100%, even though it takes a lot longer!
  17. danknugg

    harvest idea good or bad?

    In my mind the idea works out flawlessly to promote the best possible end product... but alas I HAVE NO evidence
  18. danknugg

    Fuckin deer ate my shit fu kerz

    Fuckin deer ate my shit fu kerz
  19. danknugg

    pollination / seed questions

    Any white hair will pollinate any time but seed won't mature for 35 days.