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  1. vladimiroslav

    Induction Lighting

    We have atleast 187 pages of it :-) Would help if I knew something about it...
  2. vladimiroslav

    Question about Area 51 models

    What should I get to increase my yield if I have already an XGS 190? A T5 system or something like magenta/purple kessils? What would be more beneficial?
  3. vladimiroslav

    3 on/9off utilizing DIY 730nm PFR pontoon and a tentacle of light

    I wish I had more grows so I could comment... but I find this experiment fascinating. Looks quite fluffy for almost 4 weeks, but not under that lightcycle I guess. Are you running the same clone under 12/12 to compare?
  4. vladimiroslav

    Getting close to choosing LED..Need educated opinions

    Ask him directly, who knows... might be.
  5. vladimiroslav

    Getting close to choosing LED..Need educated opinions

    Bingo. And it seems the announcement for the smaller 80 watts panel has vanished.... wondering if its still going on. Wasnt it supposed to be out between feb and april?
  6. vladimiroslav

    Getting close to choosing LED..Need educated opinions

    I think I've read it here, like a few days ago max, but cant seem to find it anymore... Only one I've found is this but it says one month... so take my answer with caution, cant confirm it at now.
  7. vladimiroslav

    Getting close to choosing LED..Need educated opinions

    It depends on your definition of "pretty soon". Think june or july...
  8. vladimiroslav

    4th Official Party Cup Grow off Update Thread

    Yep, thats the size of a McD' cup overhere, but I wanted to be sure I have the approval of the "jury" before using it... I just hope its ok for using a paper cup instead of a plastic cup...
  9. vladimiroslav

    4th Official Party Cup Grow off Update Thread

    AFAIK not in Belgium - Europe... searched for it tho, just cant find it in shops. Ours are pretty much smaller, and way thinner. Thats why I asked for MacD replacement, even if it breaks its better than nothing, otherwise I cant even participate.
  10. vladimiroslav

    4th Official Party Cup Grow off Update Thread

    Guys, one question: I cant find those plastic red party cups in my area. Could a 16oz cup from Mc Donalds do the trick? If not then I guess Im off.
  11. vladimiroslav

    Vladimiroslav's led garden.

    looks like its exactly the same fan, not bigger. and my girlfriend is gone for the evening with the camera so i'll take the pics tomorrow. I think I've seen 0.800 ma on it but not sure anymore. anyway, i'll tell you tomorrow with some shots. and thanx for the tip on the alkaline soil, already...
  12. vladimiroslav

    Vladimiroslav's led garden.

    thanx for the good vibes, right back at you. light output is great, nothing bad to say, I even bleached the tops of my first grow. and about the heat they're moderately "hot" (no idea how much 25°-30° C I guess) when I touch them, but you'll need a heater for sure if your room isnt insulated...
  13. vladimiroslav

    Deficiency, nute burns or light burns?

    exact, damage is usually from the out to the inside, but it can happen in the middle of a leave before its on the edges, and it doesnt always expand, somehow... and yeah i might have splashed some water + nutes on the leaves, but it seems a lot to me, didnt splash that much when i see how many...
  14. vladimiroslav

    Vladimiroslav's led garden.

    Thanx to the RIU community and more specially the precious advice of those in this part of the forum, I've been able to set up 2 grow tents. Guess its time for some pics :mrgreen: 4x4 tents, 2 units flower room: 4 x hans panels (3x80 + 1x65) veg room, soon to be flower room 2 1 xgs...
  15. vladimiroslav

    LED, MH or HPS for veg, please tell me your experience and preference

    any pics? what kind of led is this? any brand or name? im a new grower with no experience and i've seen some of my plants take between half and one inch/day at some point, and i veg under led (bonsaihero panel). so its more of a generic/cheap led issue i guess.
  16. vladimiroslav

    Deficiency, nute burns or light burns?

    Already did, thats the first thing I thought about... But you think it could be that even if its the lower branches that have those burns? The main cola hasnt anything yet... the plant has been lst'ed tho but none of the top leaves have those burns... Bought some cal/mag and a couple of lemons...
  17. vladimiroslav

    Deficiency, nute burns or light burns?

    thanx man, will try some cal/mag... i also checked my soil ph and its way too high, 7.5, sometimes 8...
  18. vladimiroslav

    Deficiency, nute burns or light burns?

    Ok, here are the new pics. I just took my PH levels and my water for feeding the plants is at 7.4. Could it be that? Strain: Magma (critical x white widow) Seedbank: CBD seeds Time: Flowering +28 Medium: soil, plagron light mix Nutes: canna rhyzotonic, vega, flores, boost & cannazym Light: leds...
  19. vladimiroslav

    Deficiency, nute burns or light burns?

    ok thanx, i'll take some other pics under natural light.