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  1. S

    Bag seed

    But, if you're an investor type of person im sure you can throw down some money for a lab that studies the cellular composition of all types of strains and can match up strains to tell the types. I would pay to make sure my clone is the actual strain I wanted.
  2. S

    Bag seed

    Get a skin graft machine and take some skin off the plant. Send it to Ancestry and see what comes back.
  3. S

    SOG for 1 Hindu Kush plant help

    Are you wanting to do a scrog or sog? Seems like you'd want to do a scrog to get the most out of your 1 plant. But its simple top your plant at the 3rd node after it has vigor. Stake the 2 branches that come out of there down to create a mainline then let them grow vertical then top again. Head...
  4. S

    Lost grow room

    Dark for 2 days straight. When power cut out I just put them in the dark cycle and waited for the sun (risky due to federal helicopters love to fly over my house). It's about 50 right now here so I threw them outside to get light on them to see them in details. Green crack pistils are turning...
  5. S

    Lost grow room

    Hey guys and gals. I lost my room about 4 days ago due to shitty electricity supplier lines and can no longer flower my plants under a light so they are sitting in a dark room right now (unable to finish outside as I already have snow fall). Can't tell you an exact day of flowering but one plant...