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  1. D

    Leaf tops dry, some leaves burnt on sides, and lower leaves yellow and drop. Please help.

    I lowered the nutrients by 70% and the plant appears better, with new leaves without burnt tips. @Dr. Who, the orchids i try to flower after almost a year without any flowering, and so far, one of 3 has flowered, but that one is some different variety. Other two still no flowers. Thanks again...
  2. D

    Leaf tops dry, some leaves burnt on sides, and lower leaves yellow and drop. Please help.

    Thanks Dr Who, I will try to do what you recommended. They are transplanted in big pots 5 weeks ago, so i will find something bigger. And what do you mean by that to flip them? Also, how do i use silica? I have uploaded some new pics, plants look a little worse now.
  3. D

    Leaf tops dry, some leaves burnt on sides, and lower leaves yellow and drop. Please help.

    Thanks guys for the replys. I feed them once per week, i use recommended dosage. The leaf tops seem to dry a bit more than when i took the pics. I spray leaves with alg-a-mic, once every two weeks, and that makes leaves look very healthy, howver, the drying persists. 29 C is the average as i...
  4. D

    Leaf tops dry, some leaves burnt on sides, and lower leaves yellow and drop. Please help.

    Two plants of different strain, grown together under a 600w mh lamp, sprouted from seeds about 70 days ago, and in spite of what i consider long time growing they reached about 50 cm (19.5 in) each. They are on almost 24h lighting, because sometimes i give them couple of hours of rest in the...
  5. D

    Autoflowering and reguar plant growing together timing question.

    Thanks guys, i will grow them together.
  6. D

    Autoflowering and reguar plant growing together timing question.

    Hello, first thanks for helping me save these two plants, which i had problems few weeks ago. Now they are looking good except for the algae on the rockwool one, but i have a question regarding the timing. Plant on the right is noticeably bigger, and it is autoflowering one. The one on the left...
  7. D

    Salvia Divinorum stunted growth

    Hey guys, my two remaining Salvia plants have been growing poorly, since i received the cuttings. New leaves hardly appear, and develop slow, and the older ones are getting yellow and dry eventually. As i poke the plant i can feel that the roots have not developed good yet. It has passed 5...
  8. D

    leaves get dry and down, and green algae present

    Thanx, and dont know why you cant see them, i can.
  9. D

    leaves get dry and down, and green algae present

    Hi people, i just started growing, and there is maybe some problems with the plants. 1. problem: The plant is about 3 weeks old, and first i missed to water it for a day, and the medium dried and plant wilted. I watered it, and within a day, tha plant looked fresh and vigorous. However, a day...