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  1. Sandgrouper

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    That looks so much nicer then the weetabix I just had :( --------- :cuss:
  2. Sandgrouper

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Stick that in an envelope for me and send it, beyond desperate would almost recycle the bong :wall:
  3. Sandgrouper

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Hmmm interesting, so after it has been vaporised is there well must be material left yes? Is that just lawn clippings now or is it still usable - I smoke spliffs and with wanting to give up the tobacco have been thinking of rolling with leaf as the filler - have to try one of these somehow -...
  4. Sandgrouper

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    So it is just vapour no smoke?
  5. Sandgrouper

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    OMG €400 that is huge found this one as well €500 unbelievable ---- :-(
  6. Sandgrouper

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    I gave up for 5 long stressful hard years, drank way too much, constantly stressed road raged beyond belief, - Now we are married and have gone back to the smoke when we moved here, her brother is a smoker and all his friends - Part of the reason I was happy to move here :)
  7. Sandgrouper

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Mine does not smoke either, hates the stuff with a passion thinks we are all wasters big time - Even if I go outside she complains, wants me in the shed Right you go freeze your tits off in the shed. @guitar What is this volcano you speak of?
  8. Sandgrouper

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    No power still!!!! Bloody hell that is unbelievable in 2014 -
  9. Sandgrouper

    Advanced Autoflower Training, tips, secrets

    I think a bit of poetic licence went on there, it is still a common method and the people are not naked but in leather and the leather is scrapped.
  10. Sandgrouper

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Oh for sure, nothing wrong with creating at all, and you are right it is a throwaway society.
  11. Sandgrouper

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Looks nice with the sock - looking forward to your report when in full bloom.
  12. Sandgrouper

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    The Gorilla does look pretty neat, the extension could be handy and a bit more height in the DR60 would have been nice. They sure are more expensive though ay.
  13. Sandgrouper

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Looks like a pretty good job I just could not be bothered when you can buy a Rhino 100mm from €36 and you know it has top quality carbon.
  14. Sandgrouper

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Really maybe they fixed that? The ones I bought were a series 2 I think and I was impressed with the no leakage, or maybe cause mine are so small - do you think there is a better brand?
  15. Sandgrouper

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Yea I hear you on the funds, smashed myself very boring cannot even buy some smoke, been a week now :-( oh well such is life. What size is the tent you are looking at?
  16. Sandgrouper

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Hey @ghost tents are pretty awesome I reckon, and not that expensive really. I was pretty impressed with the quality of the Secret Jarden tents, very thick walls and plenty of options for ducting etc and the pull cords around the socks really do stop any light leakage so all in all would...
  17. Sandgrouper

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    OMG :cuss:its blowing its tits off here. BBQ was still all wrapped up from the journey from OZ that has been ripped off and now it has taken the doors off the front. Wheelbarrow has changed sides of the backyard and torn more wood off the shed. Lights keep flickering but so far staying on. Be...
  18. Sandgrouper

    ADL Honors George W. Bush With Its Highest Award

    Who gives a shit! It is a country run by idiots for idiots and piss off other idiots around the world and then wonder why idiots attack your idiots. Damn it would be nice to put the hole country under a dome and then none of us would have to listen to all the idiots.....
  19. Sandgrouper

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    ahhhhaaa That is awesome -
  20. Sandgrouper

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Heat does not bother me so much, probably as that is what I am used to. I have a really good chilly bin if I need to cool air down and if the summer is anything like last years will be putting it to good use. Thought about making a tube and then thought bugger it for the sake of 60 quid or so...