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  1. Sandgrouper

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Petitioning for the same love as the UK Growers Thread has! - Make our thread sticky. Say no to stickism ...... all those in favour say I .....
  2. Sandgrouper

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    The only good thing about helping someone move, is you get to drop the boxes off and then its their problem. Sheesh - knackered, finally made it home at 1:30am, after a cuppachoofy or three reflecting on the days great efforts. Then of course needed to unwind, shower the grossness and have...
  3. Sandgrouper

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Yea that wind earlier lifted boards off the small shed - unbelievable
  4. Sandgrouper

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Ok all - better head have to help the outlaws move in the morning *groan --- take it easy --
  5. Sandgrouper

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    True can you do the same .. cheers
  6. Sandgrouper

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    I could get one of those wooden jobs from woodies think the owner would be cool with it but I am looking into renting a workspace I have a new project to strt soon that will need some space to develop it. Off to see a farmer up the road soon who has a shed to rent so that might be a go although...
  7. Sandgrouper

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Totally - a man needs a garage or shed - I am also not allowed to smoke in the house so freeze me ass off in the porch, so man needs a smoking shed.
  8. Sandgrouper

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    LOL - our house is pretty safe and you need to be dedicated to get near the oil, she has a fair size thorn growing in front of her. I would prefer gas but that will have to wait until we buy, we will have to stick to paying our outrageous rent for a couple more years yet
  9. Sandgrouper

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    We have a few wooded places around us, me and the brother in law often go collecting as we also make shillelaghs, shooting sticks and walking sticks, could be a smart idea to bring back some other bits to burn, although you have to be careful people around here get really pissed, why I don't...
  10. Sandgrouper

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Yea we will plan better for next winter, we are stuck here for 2.5 more years I think then we hope to be buying. Our house is freezing, its quite big and that does not help I reckon, the sitting room is lovely with the fire although we spend €70 a week on coal. The oil heating is deadly...
  11. Sandgrouper

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Heating on all the time :-o OMG - now there is some €€€ - stopped using ours just using the open fire in the sitting room, although the kitchen is now so cold the freezer wont stop freezing up regardless of how low I set it. -
  12. Sandgrouper

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Yea I can understand that, it is easy and esb - know that feeling our first bill here was €550 and that is before the room is started. Must be the immersion LOL
  13. Sandgrouper

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Know the feeling, have you thought about a 600 to 1200 watt rad or blow heater, maybe a room temp control unit. Any particular reason you are sticking to soil? Would it not be easier to go hydro, like the waterfall system or similar?
  14. Sandgrouper

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Damn mould, see that is why I asked the mould question before - bleeding paranoid of the grey - That is some bad luck, I am not a fan of soil inside, so many reasons and contamination is so easy. Hope you end up with some good ladies still - sending positive thoughts to you :)
  15. Sandgrouper

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Yea and we are meant to be getting some real pants weather for Feb as well. Hate the wind no like seriously I kn-hate the wind
  16. Sandgrouper

    6 Ounces-1 Auto-Flower

    I don't know the specific strain but looking at it seems the buds are not that dense. What light did she live under? I would not say the yield is unusual depending on the strain, and many people SOG so then you normally only get 1 - 3 oz but doing a tip chop and good conditions I don't think...
  17. Sandgrouper

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Shit so it is true - I am old and cynical
  18. Sandgrouper

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    YAY!!! Shipment email - brewhaaaa
  19. Sandgrouper

    Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

    That is just so god damn wrong, how can that even be allowed..... Ridiculous and one would have thought child abuse somehow.
  20. Sandgrouper

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Yea sorry dude it was a real lame ass g search :dunce: