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  1. Sandgrouper

    The Irish Growers Thread! It has as far as I know it has been pulled off of most shelves due to toxicity issues failed. Pulled due to inhalational and oral toxicity as well as developmental toxicity to offspring. Animal and tissues studies have been...
  2. Sandgrouper

    The Irish Growers Thread! - great brands not bad prices but shit man they are slow as the proverbial in sending - 14 days and counting, and you only get communication if you bug them.
  3. Sandgrouper

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Oh my fkn head is killing me, damn you evil booze!
  4. Sandgrouper

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    I just love the mental image it installs - one of me favs
  5. Sandgrouper

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    SHIT! & I thought we were being bent over and screwed with a pineapple.
  6. Sandgrouper

    Very Confused About Setting Up Hydro

    Dude seriously shit man ay! You cannot start racing cars in F1 so why with obvious lack of any knowledge would you even attempt such a grow. Not to mention just how much cash you will have to fork up for that set up. The basis of your post mentions the E/B but that is your last consideration...
  7. Sandgrouper

    How far do you put your lights above the plants?

    Fair point - never looked at the price of them, if that is all they are could be worth throwing one in the draw.
  8. Sandgrouper

    How far do you put your lights above the plants?

    You don't need a fancy pansy light meter - stick your head at the canopy if the back of your head can take the heat so can your plants. My No1 cause of bad grows is complicating shit. KISS
  9. Sandgrouper

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Just opened that software and had a ganders - Looks nice and practical my only comment would be wish I can put it on my iPad as that would be the perfect place for it
  10. Sandgrouper

    What is wrong with these plants?

    That is one of a few things 1. Blown or damaged roots 2. pH lock out either way same shit happens 3. Nutrient poisoned - not mixing, over dose 4. Pests You cannot veg plants without nutrient, only when germinating can you use no nutrient, then it has to be fed. If you went from no nutrient to...
  11. Sandgrouper

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Yea my main guy spun me this shit about how many hands it has to go through here compared to say Oz, but then a few weeks later I find out he buys locally from source - 2.5 sheesh what next -
  12. Sandgrouper

    The aussie thread !!!

    Yea it is lovely, cannot say it is better than all the castles as it is just a different experience, and it is a long way to get there even once you re in QLD you still have a long way to go further than here to Siberia - But it is fantastic if you get the chance to go. The floating boats well...
  13. Sandgrouper

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Yea I have had to buy my weed since getting here. Fuck off with ya 2.5g €50 bags like seriously it should be 3.5 - Not happy at all, nothing motivated me so fast to get back to the garden than that. Now the countdown clock is ticking, come on April should be good by April - fingers crossed
  14. Sandgrouper

    The aussie thread !!!

    LOL - Australia is great BUT I must say dude this side of the world does sort of beat it. Australia has great weather, but Europe has more places to visit, and for €50 you can be in Frankfurt, or Paris or many other places just for the weekend. I love Australia but it does get a little boring...
  15. Sandgrouper

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Yea I just finished scrubbing my whole grow room with anti mould shite, as it is / was the ensuite -
  16. Sandgrouper

    The aussie thread !!!

    I am now in the land of Guinness and a fuck off cold wind today. Are Ireland wet one day pissing down the next. Glad you had that for me bro, brought me BBQ with me and it is still in its travel wrapping LOL
  17. Sandgrouper

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Have to get out of these slippers and brave the wind. The never ending bags of coal, must be better prepared for next winter, not that we have really had a winter this year but the Sandgrouper gets a little chilly....
  18. Sandgrouper

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Yea I downloaded that software as well. Done nothing with it yet as I run on a mac, so have to fire it up under parallels might have a play with it later. I do see the benefit of it, I normally run an old fashioned journal. I am doing a time lapse of this grow, silly stoned idea while at the...
  19. Sandgrouper

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    I can totally see the value of the forum, scared the pants off me to be honest in the beginning, I was like shit me what are these people doing. Then I saw a post your own photo thread and thought, really! Shall we also start a search warrant template as well just to make their life a little...
  20. Sandgrouper

    The Under 25's WEAKEST GENERATION EVER,,,?

    Ahhhhhha a ahh That is some funny shite. LOL