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  1. tyson53

    Review: G13 Labs "Cinderella 99"

    Randy.....the female seeds starin is the closest one i have tried to Grimm's...he claims its from Grimm I said its a crazy grower...smells insane like grapefruit and some fuel...buds like crazy..and fast to can actually see daily progress on growth....
  2. tyson53

    northeast outdoor 2014

    happygirl I am now looking for frost cloth....some thing like this... I used it years ago and helped big time....every thing was frosted but what i...
  3. tyson53

    Come get BAKED with Yessica...

    white russian is a good strain from the right is a face melter....and and white widow...makes great edibles also....your body vibrates...
  4. tyson53

    northeast outdoor 2014

    the weather is not going in our favor....mid 60's during the day....mid 40's to hi 30's at night...these temps realy slow the flowering process ...big difference from last year...low tonight here is 38....not far from a frost temp....need an Indian summer least till mid
  5. tyson53

    Highgrade Plants

    Wow..its funny hearing about High Grade son bought a bunch from them had to be 8 years ago...he grew a few I know Avalanche was one but forgot the our seed locker in the fridge there is 6 glass tubes of HG seeds...I may have to try some next year...i will have to look and...
  6. tyson53

    Outdoors In The Northeast

    wvblazin....with the neem do you get a taste on your cured buds from it..last year a friend used neem for 2 weeks before harvest..and his flowers tasted was the pure neem oil cut with dr bronners soap to emulsify it in the water...his bud looked and smelled great..but had a bad...
  7. tyson53

    Bud Worms are ruining my life.

    BT is the best product when in late flower...using spinosad or neem or azamaz can make your bud taste like rotten ass ..they seem to come at prime time thier crap on the leaves promotes bud rot...the procust called caterpiller killer by garden safe works well....but you still have to...
  8. tyson53

    Outdoors In The Northeast

    Looking good marco...its getting closer ..then to enjoy your work...
  9. tyson53

    What is your favorite use for weed trim?

    C99 makes nice BHO..also makes some great cannabutter...I grow c99 just for that reason...C99 is a nice strain...great smoking..makeing BHO..edibles...bubble hash...I been growing it every year for the past 10...even my dogs like
  10. tyson53

    Outdoors In The Northeast

    yes the GC will burn pistils....and its only effective for 14 -18 does its job when first sprayed..thats out doors..not indoors..once a night dew hits the leaves the GC ph is altered...i talked to the R&D guy at Green cure....he said as long as dew does not settle on leaves at night GC...
  11. tyson53

    Review: G13 Labs "Cinderella 99"

    I had some Bros Grimm c99 seeds..finished them off last year...was great ..tall ..bushy and loaded in buds...smelled like finisher also...this year i tried the Female seeds C99...and can say its so very close to the Grimms same smell...size...bud sites..but the leaves were a...
  12. tyson53

    Outdoors In The Northeast

    careful with the green does burn did not help much with rot last year...its good for PM....what I do is just cut the rot out and spray with hydrogen peroxide and water mix to kill spores where I cut..all you can do....I doubled up on my watering of pro tec this year and...
  13. tyson53

    Tea Brewing Kit Start-Up: Suggestions On Where to Start

    it is not high pressure at all..there is no restriction..there is no spray nozzle...just the tube it connects to...the nozzle it self makes the back pressure to create a spray..with out it on it just flows out like a hose...
  14. tyson53

    Green Slugs's all over stems "PLEASE HELP!!!"

    yes thats scale and not slugs.....I dont know how far along your plants are....but horticulture oil will stop them...there are a few good products out for scale...get them now as in veg now....i think some of the insecticidal soaps kill scale also
  15. tyson53

    Epsoma plant tone.

    if you just use plant tone mixed in soil you van plant right away..its the other amendments that cook kelp meal...alfalpha meal...they sorta compost in the soil..gets hot temp wise...but epsoma alone its plantable right away it has never burnt a plant yet
  16. tyson53

    2014 Outdoor Grow

    hey put a few up of the Purple Maroc...I am interested in this strain next year and want to see how it does out doors....when you put up the pics say they are the one know what those pics are..which strain it is....
  17. tyson53

    Outdoors In The Northeast

    yes i spotted a few mold areas on my 9 pound hammer..i cut it out ...and sprayed the surrounding area with some H2O2 and water to kill any spores that may have spread....this weather in New England now is the perfect storm..a mold storm...peroxide is all I can use since some are 3 weeks from...
  18. tyson53

    Epsoma plant tone.

    epsoma is a great product to amend soils with...I use the Bio Starter...and plant tone also..both seem the wont need the tomato tone...plant tone will do it all.... now why small pots..go at least 5 gallons....I grow in dirt pots all the time and you wont believe the root system in...
  19. tyson53 long

    thats the perfect way..just as vostock said....dry till you can snap the branch....I then bag it or in a box for 1 day...then jar it and burp daily for a week or 2 ..then vaccum seal the jars till I need them....
  20. tyson53

    Dose skunk weed smell green

    some times when cannabis is picked to soon it will smell grassy and also if not cured right or long enough it can smell grassy or hay like...its because the chlorophyl has not gassed of completely or as best it can...