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  1. Douglas.Curtis

    What's my best option for buying water?

    See? This is where the confusion is. Super clean cannabis is not grown with a 'stable' pH. Clean cannabis is grown using a full and complete, 'healthy' pH swing. With hydro systems where the roots are constantly in the solution, this is 5.4-5.8. In systems where the roots dry out between...
  2. Douglas.Curtis

    Ak48xLucca brasi 600w rdwc First time Hydro

    I've done a full flower run since this clone went in the bucket at the very least 4 months ago, closer to 6. I have never dumped the reservoir. You can see the results are great with nice clean roots, very clean and clear water. No chlorine/amine, no h2o2 or other 'agent's to keep it clean...
  3. Douglas.Curtis

    Ak48xLucca brasi 600w rdwc First time Hydro

    Glad I could help. :) Difficult to find that information these days. I think the DEA disinformationists have been very successful in mucking up hydro info for folks. As for a sterile res? Unless you have a known, low-level, issue from your local tap water, I really don't see why. I'll take a...
  4. Douglas.Curtis

    What's my best option for buying water?

    That's close. I'd still filter it with an r/o machine to remove any potential pH changes and for the ultra-smooth finish.(that extra is mostly rocks, I'm sure) I don't care for over 12ppm, personally. I can taste/feel fabric softener from your "two sheets in the dryer" shirt, from 15 feet away...
  5. Douglas.Curtis

    What's my best option for buying water?

    We have completely different quality standards for cannabis. In my world, water is what you add everything TO, so your plants can absorb it easily. Unless you're lab analyzing your tap/well water monthly (because it changes). Then having your nutrients specifically formulated for your water...
  6. Douglas.Curtis

    CBD Therapy grow

    CBD is awesome, it should help quite a bit with your issues. Take a minute and see if any of these things might be messing you up as well. Check your diet and blood type against the list at this link. Change out any 'avoids' for neutrals or beneficial foods you know you can handle. This will...
  7. Douglas.Curtis

    What's my best option for buying water?

    Hi, I'm a cannabis grower but today I'm going to give advice on BRAIN SUGERY! Only because I've never done it before, so listen carefully if you want to get it right on your relatives. Seriously. *sigh*
  8. Douglas.Curtis

    What's my best option for buying water?

    You go ahead and do that. Then come back and give advice on it. Those of us who've used and understand what 'softened' water does to plants, will advise against it. HEAVILY. Thanks.
  9. Douglas.Curtis

    Ak48xLucca brasi 600w rdwc First time Hydro

    DWC is awesome :) I've explained the pH swing fairly well in this thread here, along with proper res maintenance for dwc. Congrats on an indoor grow. :)
  10. Douglas.Curtis

    Curing in Jars - week 1 - out of town 3 days

    Had the guy experience with them, I'd probably recommend them. Since not, the BEST advice for them is to skip it and go the safest route. Hopefully the OP has at least 2 brains cells, I'm sure they do or they wouldn't have asked the question. :)
  11. Douglas.Curtis

    Northern Lights perpetual grow possible?

    When you step up to super clean cannabis, there's no room for treating bugs/pests/issues during flower. Perpetuals are great, till you have to tear everything down and start over. Like Mecrab says, flower it out straight, you'll get plenty. :) You want perpetual? Get 2 tents with hepa filtered...
  12. Douglas.Curtis

    Curing in Jars - week 1 - out of town 3 days

    Unless you get the dry perfect before you leave, I would take the quality hit and just let them hang dry while I was gone. Clean air, slow moving, 55% room humidity would be nice, difficult to set up in a rush though. I'd much prefer hanging, fully dried cannabis, over wet cannabis in jars...
  13. Douglas.Curtis

    What strain fight fatigue and booast energy?

    Blue Dream is like xanax, not caffeine. Definitely the wrong direction.
  14. Douglas.Curtis

    What strain fight fatigue and booast energy?

    This is due to harvesting late, see previous post. Cannabis harvested on time does not lead to crashing or making you tired. Period.
  15. Douglas.Curtis

    pH control in reservoirs?

    No need to 'have' to use cal-mag, unless your nutrient mix is off and requires it. I've used r/o for 15 years and haven't needed any cal-mag, ever. R/O has significantly fewer hassles than tap-water is capable of creating. It's the same every time It has all the junk cleaned out of it pH...
  16. Douglas.Curtis

    What's my best option for buying water?

    This is correct. Water softener water is heavily salted and your plants will not like it. Now... run that softened water through an R/O filter and you're golden. Just be sure to test your ppm/tds every few months or so, change your filter when it starts rising. I don't like higher than 12ppm :)
  17. Douglas.Curtis

    What strain fight fatigue and booast energy?

    Cinderella-99. And your 'haze' was harvested late, most common newbie (and oldie) grower mistake. Cannabis is not sleepy when mature, it's sleepy when the THC is destroyed, leaving behind CBN. (this happens when you let cannabis run past 5-15% amber trichomes) Cindy is super upbeat! :D (edit: I...
  18. Douglas.Curtis

    CO2 supplementing at high altitudes

    tagging this thread. I live at 10,000 feet and will be sealing up my room at some point in the next year. Looking forward to anyone else who's already there. :)
  19. Douglas.Curtis

    Need help about nutes!

    Skip the tap, go straight r/o, you'll appreciate the quality difference and the stable pH changes. Unless your GO Biothrive is low in nitrogen or calcium... I'd skip the cal-mag. Magnesium sulfate is Mag and Sulfur and cheaper (Magnesium hexaheptate/hexahydrate is mag and chloride, skip that...
  20. Douglas.Curtis

    koolbloom outdoor dosage

    I'm hydro, just so you know. I bought 2.2lbs of KoolBloom powder a few years ago. I used less than 2 scoops across a few different grows and won't use it again. It makes my ash hotter and harsher and really, I used very little. Should your nutrition be off, it might help without harming...