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  1. Derbud420

    Who's breeding for potency these day's?

    Try some mephisto, for autos. Copa genetics for photo .
  2. Derbud420

    fungus gnats finally solved - to easy

    Gnatrol is great stuff
  3. Derbud420

    Can you refrigerate maxibloom feed?

    If you're in soil, I'd have him use plain water. They'll be fine.
  4. Derbud420

    Can Soil Grown Smoke As Clean As Coco?

    Those hydro tomatoes at the stores should tell ya everything you need to know about hydro producing outstanding flavor. Oh and the hydro strawberry .
  5. Derbud420


    Better check it for classified documents
  6. Derbud420

    What constitutes an “old head”?

    Yep, now old school
  7. Derbud420

    What constitutes an “old head”?

    Puff puff pass is the second commandment
  8. Derbud420

    GH MaxiGro & MaxiBloom users?

    I run hp pro mix ultimate organic and gh maxibloom from start to finish. Love it.
  9. Derbud420

    Grove Bags?

    Jars are ok for tiny harvests. Grove for the bulkier ones. I love the one pound bags..
  10. Derbud420

    I just can't

    So let's say you're right , the earth is flat.. so fucking what, how will this revelation that the earth is not a globe change your day to day ?? It won't. Don't worry there is help out there.
  11. Derbud420

    I just can't

    Ya ever hear of gortex?
  12. Derbud420

    I just can't

    The lizard people told me the grey aliens are in cohoots with all the yetis. If you can, run!!!!!!!!!!
  13. Derbud420

    I just can't

    Full scale replica of the moon?? Do you have any idea how big that is?
  14. Derbud420

    I just can't

    It's a good thing the hollow earth lizard people taste like chicken . Gives ya something to think about...
  15. Derbud420

    Medic grow is having a MAGA sale??

    Fuck trump fuck trump fuck trump fuck trump fuck trump fuck trump
  16. Derbud420

    Rosin tips/ questions first timer

    I have a nugsmasher mini and love it. Can do 3.5 to 4.5 grams a smash. 90 sec warm up. Usually. 185 to 195 f. Time of actual press is strain specific. Paperchef parchment works best for me. Good luck.