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  1. Fox Tail

    Bright spot on dark days

    If I could like that, I totally would! Super fantastic to hear brother!
  2. Fox Tail

    Shittake fuckballs with mushroom gravy and son of a bitch sauce!!!

    Shittake fuckballs with mushroom gravy and son of a bitch sauce!!!
  3. Fox Tail

    Bright spot on dark days

    It's good to be here, just hoping to stay under the radar if ya know what I mean ;) How the heck is it going @neosapien ??? Message me and I'll give ya a hint...
  4. Fox Tail

    Bright spot on dark days

    You've got 2 more guesses...
  5. Fox Tail

    Bright spot on dark days

    Annie!!! How the heck goes it? Guess who.... check your email :)