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  1. ricof78

    plant budding slow

    it's not a plastic pot it's those fabric pots, it might be to small for the plant but i did harvest two other plats using the same pots (7gallon)...I don't have the room to get bigger pots when I did hydro I used only 5 gallon buckets for much larger plants...none the less soil maybe different...
  2. ricof78

    plant budding slow

    not sure if they are rootbound they might be
  3. ricof78

    plant budding slow

    so i've been flowering a plant for 3 and the hairs have finally showed, i've done research on the plant and everyone says it's a fast budding plant (pineapple kush) it's not a male, is there a such plant the don't bud? I've started given it a nutrient booster a week ago but it look like it...
  4. ricof78

    how often do i give nutrients to soil plants

    ok souds good, ill try that...thanks
  5. ricof78

    how often do i give nutrients to soil plants

    ok so I've done hydro and now i am trying soil but I do not know how often I am supposed to give nutrients to the plants. I and using 7gallon fabric pots and watering every 4 days but i've giving nutrients each time and now I am getting what looks like nutrient burn spots, not sure what to do
  6. ricof78

    how much longer do i have till harvest

    cool that's what I was wondering about...I've been trying to judge the last two weeks before harvest to stop the nutrients.... Not sure what (have you scoped the trich`s yet) means so I would have to say it looks like I have some googling to do....Thanks for you help btw I...
  7. ricof78

    how much longer do i have till harvest

    sounds good...thanks....I have been worried about the nutrient level I know your supposed to stop two weeks before harvest so that's what I'm trying to judge
  8. ricof78

    how much longer do i have till harvest

    they are 14 weeks old and have been flowering for 7 weeks
  9. ricof78

    how much longer do i have till harvest

    the top of the light fixture is at 78"'s the highest i can get it
  10. ricof78

    how much longer do i have till harvest

    i have a 400 wat hps light, a 125 watt cfl, and two 32 watt cfls in the corners. I just added the cfls last week, I used the 400watt hps alone prior.
  11. ricof78

    how much longer do i have till harvest

    I am using plastic pots I did have them timed down to the side but the would keep growing vertical (so it almost goes straight up the bends to the left then straight up again). I saw an article and he was using the same nutrients as me and his chart at full strength was half of what use and at...
  12. ricof78

    how much longer do i have till harvest

    I don't know if these are any better it's as far back as I can go.
  13. ricof78

    how much longer do i have till harvest

    I had them tied to the side but then they kept growing upward so now it like a maze in the the room with the branches and the was thinking about cutting the tip, I'll lose a few buds but it might be my only choice, just not sure if that will effect the buds below where it seems...
  14. ricof78

    how much longer do i have till harvest

    I kinda guessed I had a little more to go...I've been using the flora series and I went by what the bottle suggested at full strength but I just reduced the nutrient level to half and stopped using the floragro because they are to tall.
  15. ricof78

    how much longer do i have till harvest

    not sure how to judge this but can anyone tell from these pics how much long i might have till harvest....not sure if i should cut back on the the nutrients either...:peace:
  16. ricof78

    plants to tall

    so I tied some of the branch down this morning and tonight when I went to take these pictures the top end of the branch started pointed upward toward the How many plants does that look like?
  17. ricof78

    plants to tall

    ok cool I'll put pics up tomorrow with a better camera....I have a glass plate covering the bottom of light fixture should I just let it bend on it's own against that glass
  18. ricof78

    plants to tall

    so I transfered these plants into 3 different places first a grow tent, then had to put it in my closet and then I had to build a special room in my bedroom for them and they grow at least 4 inches a day, they have been flowering for about 4 weeks and buds are starting to show a little but now...
  19. ricof78

    Ricof78 first time grow thread

    Now not sure what to do they are getting to big...I've been trimming them but they keep growing...they out grew the tent so I had to set up the closet and now they are out growing the closet
  20. ricof78

    Ricof78 first time grow thread

    so how long does it take from the start of flowering till you begin to see buds