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  1. rapid321

    Caught growing in a rented apartment/house

    By our Law system i mean just system in general.. i just want people to write about their experience
  2. rapid321

    Caught growing in a rented apartment/house

    For all those people that got caught at least once or have a friend that got caught growing in a rented house/apartment. What did the cops say? What went wrong? What was the penalty/punishment from court and how did IT go? How did everything Turned out after? Share your stories. I wrote...
  3. rapid321

    Is this a nutrient burn? quick toughts.

    Im using mars hydro 98 230w from the wall i have grown before with no problems but this might be an idea
  4. rapid321

    Is this a nutrient burn? quick toughts.

    Thank you for posting this ! so you guys think i should feed her ? :D she is pretty big to be honest...she might be just hungry
  5. rapid321

    Is this a nutrient burn? quick toughts.

    im also using plargon lightmix.. just to add some info
  6. rapid321

    Is this a nutrient burn? quick toughts.

    Hmm, i think i should flush the plant with clean water ph to 6.5 and then swap all flushed nutrients with new water with half the dose of nutrients to make sure its not a nutrient lockout but still leave some nutrients for the plant and see how it reacts? other then that idea is that its a...
  7. rapid321

    Is this a nutrient burn? quick toughts.

    Hi guys, i feed her sensi bloom since day 10 i follow tangs feeding chart she is on week 8 and 67cm tall(with lst) but i feed water between every nutrient feeding im using vitalink calmag and im giving her 1,4ml per 2L of water and sensi bloom 1,6ml per 2L ph to 6.5 im giving her calmag with...
  8. rapid321

    Inline fan

    thanks ! will not do it then :D
  9. rapid321

    What Can be Wrong??

    Just saying guys, i needed more cal mag for sure... btw a little tip, dont ever start off a grow with sensi bloom like master TaNgi did.. feeding..kinda doesn't work the same way like his, not sure why... used exactly the same amount of nutes i had a better light i was growing in coco like he...
  10. rapid321

    Inline fan

    Hi, just a quick question.. i live in a cold country where the temp is never higher then 27C (ever.. even summer time) I have an inline fan with ducting but i dont have a intake fan or any fan whatsoever i am able to open the tent ale leave it opened a bit to let the fresh air come in but i was...
  11. rapid321

    What Can be Wrong??

    Hi guys so i have these weird marks on my leaves and i got no idea what it could be.. its a master kush 4th week.. im currently giving him 1,4ml sensi bloom and 1ml cal-mag ph to 6.5 and 6.0 on the bottom after watering, plant is under mars hydro 98 in coco pro, i dont know if its just a natural...