Is this a nutrient burn? quick toughts.


48226661_282521659119348_8573979806402609152_n.jpg 48369309_212678156325470_4613767449773342720_n.jpg 48357818_305207690089015_4551105994343579648_n.jpg 48241603_369404853626515_656793249377157120_n.jpg 48241603_369404853626515_656793249377157120_n.jpg Hi guys, i feed her sensi bloom since day 10 i follow tangs feeding chart she is on week 8 and 67cm tall(with lst) but i feed water between every nutrient feeding im using vitalink calmag and im giving her 1,4ml per 2L of water and sensi bloom 1,6ml per 2L ph to 6.5 im giving her calmag with every watering too could that be the problem? it all seems to appear on newer growth and lowert growth is basically yellowing has spots and is dryig up
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Deficiency's... A couple of them. Take a look at the pic's in this guide. Great book for newbies.

Report back on what YOU think the issues are... See how you do.
Hmm, i think i should flush the plant with clean water ph to 6.5 and then swap all flushed nutrients with new water with half the dose of nutrients to make sure its not a nutrient lockout but still leave some nutrients for the plant and see how it reacts? other then that idea is that its a Potassium deficiency and she is hungry?

Hugo Phurst

Well-Known Member
View attachment 4248944 View attachment 4248943 View attachment 4248939 View attachment 4248940 View attachment 4248940 Hi guys, i feed her sensi bloom since day 10 i follow tangs feeding chart she is on week 8 and 67cm tall(with lst) but i feed water between every nutrient feeding im using vitalink calmag and im giving her 1,4ml per 2L of water and sensi bloom 1,6ml per 2L ph to 6.5 im giving her calmag with every watering too could that be the problem? it all seems to appear on newer growth and lowert growth is basically yellowing has spots and is dryig up
Not nute burn, leaf tips look good.
I just saw the same sort of spots on another thread.

So like there, it might be, Leaf Septoria aka Yellow Leaf Spot, or a phosphorus deficiency

Hope it helps

Hugo Phurst

Well-Known Member
I'm rethinking this.
Leaves have a cycle too, they get used up and fade.
Also it looks like the affected leaves& others are pointing down, my thought there is, not enough light.

So when I get a yellow leaf, or a leaf is pointing down (like pic 1&2), I'll remove them. Clearing some space above the dirt will help with air flow too.


I'm rethinking this.
Leaves have a cycle too, they get used up and fade.
Also it looks like the affected leaves& others are pointing down, my thought there is, not enough light.

So when I get a yellow leaf, or a leaf is pointing down (like pic 1&2), I'll remove them. Clearing some space above the dirt will help with air flow too.
Im using mars hydro 98 230w from the wall i have grown before with no problems but this might be an idea


Well-Known Member
Your on track. Flush her as a "Reset" and start back at pH'ed half strength. Give her a week and see how she responds. Never throw big changes at a deficient plant.
LOVE KILLS. Save that book, here's the link to tons more. Pot Books/
"Never throw big changes at a deficient plant."
"Flush her as a "Reset" and start back at pH'ed half strength"

How contradicting can you be lol. Don't throw big changes at a deficient plant, but flush her?! lol...She's already starving and you suggest, do nothing drastic, just flush it completely, it's only starving already, so get rid of anything left? This site is great for help lol:)
Your plant seems to be having a calcium issue based on pic 1, and either a magnesium and/or phosphorus issue based on the others. Hard to tell without a pic of the whole plant.


Well-Known Member
"Never throw big changes at a deficient plant."
"Flush her as a "Reset" and start back at pH'ed half strength"

How contradicting can you be lol. Don't throw big changes at a deficient plant, but flush her?! lol...She's already starving and you suggest, do nothing drastic, just flush it completely, it's only starving already, so get rid of anything left? This site is great for help lol:)
Your plant seems to be having a calcium issue based on pic 1, and either a magnesium and/or phosphorus issue based on the others. Hard to tell without a pic of the whole plant.
I agree it looks like Calcium deficiency. Could be locked out do to ph or over application of other nutrients.
Your using a peat based medium, did you buffer the acidity with lime before planting?

Jypsy Dog

Well-Known Member
"Never throw big changes at a deficient plant."
"Flush her as a "Reset" and start back at pH'ed half strength"

How contradicting can you be lol. Don't throw big changes at a deficient plant, but flush her?! lol...She's already starving and you suggest, do nothing drastic, just flush it completely, it's only starving already, so get rid of anything left? This site is great for help lol:)
Your plant seems to be having a calcium issue based on pic 1, and either a magnesium and/or phosphorus issue based on the others. Hard to tell without a pic of the whole plant.
And how dose a deficiency get a hold of the plant??? Imbalance..? You can throw Cal/ Mag at it all day. If the root zone is out of balance, the shit runs right past...


Active Member
Lol dont trust anything this jypsy guy says. I've seen him on other posts and the guy is a straight asshole, and throws insane drastic "solutions" out there.


Active Member
One thing appears to be lack of lighting to the lower branches. Give them a firm tug, and if it's just from lower level lack of light, they should pop right off as if they were meant to.
I pull leafs off below my scrog everyday that look similar, but I dont let them get to that point.
And some of the other leafs with those rust spots everywhere, and the random yellow circles, that's something entirely different man.
I cant give you any solid answers, but it does look like that "leaf septorira" or a form of fungus.
I've seen other pictures of leafs that were getting sprayed with water look like that, or very high humidity conditions


Active Member
If your humidity is high I would definitely do something to lower it, and if your getting your leafs wet consistently, I would stop immediately.
And if your using tap water, I would have quit giving calmag a long time ago.
(Well that depends on your grow medium)
If its soil, then quit the calmag if you use tap water)


Active Member
Sorry about so many responses, but I did some reading, and along with just the lack of light to lower branches (which isnt anything major), it definitely appears to be leaf septoria. A fungus that typically shows up right in the beginning of flowering due to high moisture, lack of airflow, or wet leafs. It typically wont kill a plant, but will seriously impact its health /yield/quality.
Need to remove all of the affected leafs and the humidity/moisture or airflow issue at the same time


Active Member
Yeah some more angles would definitely help identify things better. Especially being able to see if things are isolated to certain areas, or more severe in some places than others


Well-Known Member
Lol dont trust anything this jypsy guy says. I've seen him on other posts and the guy is a straight asshole, and throws insane drastic "solutions" out there.
His post made no sense at all, he proved his knowledge to me with that comment, then a link from rqs to teach me how to grow lol. Posts like that are best left ignored!