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  1. Demask

    24 hours of darkness into flower

    I could see that as too mimic a slower and more natural transition, was just really hoping this was a thing I could have swore I read it in the marijuana grow bible 10 years ago or so but im at a loss as to where I got this bad info glad I never acted on it lol.
  2. Demask

    24 hours of darkness into flower

    I've only ever heard about this technique and for the life of me I can no longer find anything on it, so the question being. Has anyone ever left them in darkness for a full day before transitioning into flower. Id try it myself but a few factors keep me from risking it. 1 being that I have...
  3. Demask

    Cheap water cooler

    Haha most likely, but then again I cant remember when the last time I went longer than 2 days without a smoke lol.
  4. Demask

    Cheap water cooler

    After weeks of trying to keep my water cool in various different ways I finally found a solution that works for me. Now im sure experienced growers have already done this at some point, but I personally had such a hard time trying to find something that would work for cheap and it seems to me...
  5. Demask

    It's Damask actually ...

    It's Damask actually ...
  6. Demask

    Root rot question

    @hotrodharley This is a really interesting article and gives me some ideas on growing. Ex I see why in germ stations you want a little of this not just for the anti-bacterial reasons now. Great read thanks man. @rykmtnman Haha im starting to see more and more of that. checked and balanced the...
  7. Demask

    Root rot question

    Sweet alright I got some things to try. Gonna probably start with the H2O2 see how well that works and if I need to go further I'll give the shock idea a try. Also wanna give this waterfall idea a try cause I do have a pump and will do some work on my grow room to make it more suitable. Some of...
  8. Demask

    Root rot question

    My water temps flux a bit I have to add about a gal of frozen water ( in a jug of course ) twice a day and sometimes I cant exactly get the second one cause something comes up and im out of the house for a bit. as for blocking the light admittedly I could do a lot more.
  9. Demask

    Root rot question

    Alrighty got a hold of my sis's phone and was able to get these. Hope I put them in correctly, but as you can see still pretty young and you can clearly see the damage if only because these new roots create a very stark contrast.
  10. Demask

    Root rot question

    would If I could but i'll work with you here and figure that part out as I can see how seeing may help with judging just gotta find a camera or a similar pic lol.
  11. Demask

    Root rot question

    Alright so the more I look into this stuff the less sure I am that I can handle this problem w/o it eventually killing my plants. Recently I experienced a bit of root rot in my hydro and wanted to treat it as quickly as I could, So I treated the roots and the air stones in a peroxide bath of...
  12. Demask

    Green Lights?

    So I have been reading on green lights and there is some interesting info about them. So basically green lights for the most part are unneeded but they seem to have some reaction, not to just cannabis but, a lot of plants. As far as ive read thus far the plant itself cannot for lack of a...
  13. Demask

    A good hydroponic set up

    Alright I wanted to thank you guys for helping me out but also not make this just a bump so ima put some vids on that ive been looking into for future ref to anyone that may be interested. This one is a great vid gives really good info on the pros and cons of each system ( cant say how much...
  14. Demask

    A good hydroponic set up

    Hello everyone. So I've been wanting to grow for quite some time now and now that I legally can I figure its time to stop saying im gonna and to actually do it. I've read up over the years about this and that and im fairly certain on how im gonna start aside from the hydroponics. Any ones in...