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  1. importfr87

    Bud stopped maturing

    I tried to pinch a plant right before flowering. Unfortunately it didn't really work and just left the plant damaged above halfway up the stem. It seemed to do fine anyways but the bud that grew off that stem, so the central bud, just kind off stopped maturing compared to it's sisters and all...
  2. importfr87

    week 6 is this a stinkin male?

    I don't see any sign of either gender personally.
  3. importfr87

    Hey, I saw a pic of your growroom, the one where you've got like 20 pots squeezed together. I've...

    Hey, I saw a pic of your growroom, the one where you've got like 20 pots squeezed together. I've got the same thing going with about 10 pots, all touching, and I was wondering if that might be too tight once the plants got bigger. Are you gonna keep them this close? I've got a lot of height to...
  4. importfr87

    Complete darkness while vegetative?

    Oh I've got it figured, I'll just close the door. I keep it open now to keep the air circulating better. Once in flowering I'll just close the door.
  5. importfr87

    Coffee, anyone>??

    Lol. If you're serious about growing, get real seeds, and find a place where you can grow in safety out of mom's sight. If they're a quarter inch and you're worried, it's pointless. What are you gonna do when they're a foot and have lights, fans all around? How about the smell? I imagine you...
  6. importfr87

    Quiet. The Neighbors Can Hear You (Sound Control Thread)

    I made friends with mt neighbor, he's this 50 year old dude who's really into whiskey so sometimes we have a drink. When I'm at his place I always listen to see if I can hear anything, and I can't. If you can find an excuse to visit your neighbors, why not check for yourself if it's too loud...
  7. importfr87

    Complete darkness while vegetative?

    I know the plants need complete darkness in flowering, but does it matter if I have a little light leaking in during my 6 hour downtime? They're 5-6 weeks old.
  8. importfr87

    How can I fix this? Pics

    Personally yeah, I think they're a little slow, and it's likely due to whatever is going on with that leaf.
  9. importfr87

    what is a normal lowryder yield?

    You'll need to include more details, then maybe someone who's grown it before can give you an approximate answer...although it's kind of a tough question to answer. I say just wait it out and hope for the best.
  10. importfr87

    Can I or should I keep the pots small?

    And I wouldn't be too worried about the size, if you're doing a sea of green you'll be controlling how and where they grow anyways... Make the transplant at the right time so they have sufficient time to recover from the stress. I can only imagine transplant in flowering would stunt bud growth.
  11. importfr87

    Hope you guys are all watching the inauguration

    Thanks, I hadn't looked at it that way.
  12. importfr87

    Hope you guys are all watching the inauguration

    Can we not both be right? Cause I honestly think that yes, drive and motivation can lead ANYONE to success, but some people are born into conditions that simply make it easier. You can't tell me someone born in Burma has as much of a chance to thrive at birth than that person's clone born into...
  13. importfr87

    Hope you guys are all watching the inauguration

    Ok then I misspoke. I guess what I mean by less fortunate is someone with a lesser fortune. poor.... even if it is often they're own fault, it's clear that many are born into conditions that offer less opportunities. Hold it.......I know everyone can shape their future, but it's easier for some...
  14. importfr87

    Hope you guys are all watching the inauguration

    I say be optimistic, give the new administration a chance. If I understood you correctly and you're talking about the new cabinet, then I agree that it might not be what I had hoped exactly, but they are people with influence and I hope Obama uses them to enforce good policies that benefit even...
  15. importfr87

    F*ck Bush?

    Sorry but that's simply not true. I'm actually pretty sure more people are aware of this theory and believe it in the u.s.
  16. importfr87

    Hope you guys are all watching the inauguration

    Ya know, I do have some sympathy for Bush, because essentially I don't think he's a bad guy, but I also think if he had such a hard term, it was often the result of his own decisions. Anyways, I'll stop myself there and stop looking backwards, start looking ahead!
  17. importfr87

    Hope you guys are all watching the inauguration

    I know a lot of people might feel like this is all being blown way out of proportion, but personally, I feel like shit has gotten so bad around the world that this is somewhat the one thing we can hang on to to drive us upwards. I'm not even American, I'm French, but I spent my teenage years...
  18. importfr87

    i meant stan from southpark, he pukes every time wendy almost kisses him. btw your inbox is full

    i meant stan from southpark, he pukes every time wendy almost kisses him. btw your inbox is full
  19. importfr87

    Adding small lights

    Ok, I've looked some more at cfls, I originally wanted something battery powered but I guess I would have to change the batteries all the time. I guess I'll go for the CFLs and just work with it. It's just that I'm running one 250W hps right now which I'll eventually swap with my 400W, 3 fans...
  20. importfr87

    Adding small lights

    My grow room is just a little small, and once my plants get big they might lack some light on the lower levels. I was thinking of either mounting them on the side walls, or hanging some small lights on strings from the ceiling, so that they hang under the main canopy. These would have to be real...