Hope you guys are all watching the inauguration


Active Member
I know a lot of people might feel like this is all being blown way out of proportion, but personally, I feel like shit has gotten so bad around the world that this is somewhat the one thing we can hang on to to drive us upwards.
I'm not even American, I'm French, but I spent my teenage years living in the States and I've come to love it as much as I love my own country, which is why I'm putting so much hope into all this. On the other hand, American or not, the American presidency affects everyone.
I hope my trust wasn't misplaced, and that unlike the past 8 years we start to see some positive changes.


Well-Known Member
Bush had a tough 8 years and it would have been tough on anyone. Yes, he made some bonehead decisions but so does every other president. He didnt get impeached so it wasnt that bad. It wouldnt have mattered much regardless of who was in office.
At least we had a tough guy for a while!


Active Member
Bush had a tough 8 years and it would have been tough on anyone. Yes, he made some bonehead decisions but so does every other president. He didnt get impeached so it wasnt that bad. It wouldnt have mattered much regardless of who was in office.
At least we had a tough guy for a while!
Ya know, I do have some sympathy for Bush, because essentially I don't think he's a bad guy, but I also think if he had such a hard term, it was often the result of his own decisions. Anyways, I'll stop myself there and stop looking backwards, start looking ahead!


Well-Known Member
This moment really is spectacular. Even if none of those super class surrounding Obama care about American people.


Active Member
This moment really is spectacular. Even if none of those super class surrounding Obama care about American people.
I say be optimistic, give the new administration a chance. If I understood you correctly and you're talking about the new cabinet, then I agree that it might not be what I had hoped exactly, but they are people with influence and I hope Obama uses them to enforce good policies that benefit even the least fortunate.

Big P

Well-Known Member
amazing speach

"we are a nation of christians muslims jews and hindus and non belivers"

"you cannot break our will and you will not outlast us"

"every tribe will be disolved"

Big P

Well-Known Member
brought me to tears.

great im a fucking bleeding heart liberal

for real i got teary:shock:


Well-Known Member
I say be optimistic, give the new administration a chance. If I understood you correctly and you're talking about the new cabinet, then I agree that it might not be what I had hoped exactly, but they are people with influence and I hope Obama uses them to enforce good policies that benefit even the least fortunate.
To use the words "least fortunate" is to imply that those who are doing well owe it all to luck. People who are poor are usually poor because of their own bad decisions, not because of luck. People who do well usually do well because of their own drive and determination. I don't think fortune has a whole lot to do with it.

Big P

Well-Known Member
To use the words "least fortunate" is to imply that those who are doing well owe it all to luck. People who are poor are usually poor because of their own bad decisions, not because of luck. People who do well usually do well because of their own drive and determination. I don't think fortune has a whole lot to do with it.

i think hes comparing kids who may have grown up with good parents in good areas compared say kids who had unbalanced up bringings in bad areas and mostly bad parents

like barak was less fortunate to have only his mom to raise him whom she got preg very young. he was born into a shitty position by no fault of his own

compared to someone who is born with mom and dad who both work and can send thier kids to college

i think he wants more kids like him to make it. i see his point. it would be meesed up if he got in there finally and did not pave the way for more people of his backround



Well-Known Member
i think hes comparing kids who may have grown up with good parents in good areas compared say kids who had unbalanced up bringings in bad areas and mostly bad parents

like barak was less fortunate to have only his mom to raise him whom she got preg very young. he was born into a shitty position by no fault of his own

compared to someone who is born with mom and dad who both work and can send thier kids to college

i think he wants more kids like him to make it. i see his point. it would be meesed up if he got in there finally and did not pave the way for more people of his backround
My mom got pregnant at a very young age too, but I'm not less fortunate for it even though we grew up on a very limited budget. What would be messed up is if he made the decision that the tax payers should foot the bill to make it better for these so called unfortunate people.

The government already has programs set up for people who want to go to college, etc. who can't afford it. It's called financial aide, scholarships, and grants. The one criteria that must be met is that the individual show they have the drive to do well by keeping up their grades and to fill out the applications. The schools EVEN have programs to pay for the application fees for them to apply and to take their SAT's and ACT's. What more do they want. . . to sit back and have the tax payers fill out all the paper work for them, take the tests and go to the courses for them too?

Big P

Well-Known Member
My mom got pregnant at a very young age too, but I'm not less fortunate for it even though we grew up on a very limited budget. What would be messed up is if he made the decision that the tax payers should foot the bill to make it better for these so called unfortunate people.

The government already has programs set up for people who want to go to college, etc. who can't afford it. It's called financial aide, scholarships, and grants. The one criteria that must be met is that the individual show they have the drive to do well by keeping up their grades and to fill out the applications. The schools EVEN have programs to pay for the application fees for them to apply and to take their SAT's and ACT's. What more do they want. . . to sit back and have the tax payers fill out all the paper work for them, take the tests and go to the courses for them too?

oh dont get me wrong im in favour of low taxes, and killing the poor

well ok not killing the poor but def lower taxes:shock:


Well-Known Member
In fact, if I'm correct, I think it was Reagan who really pushed hard for these government sponsored assistance programs for the "less fortunate" to be able to afford some post-secondary education.


Well-Known Member
Soooo. . . there you go folks! It was a CONSERVATIVE who pushed to help the poor get something they really needed, and they actually got it done. Not like the liberals who only talk about it and promise it and then never do anything about it. The liberals believe that once they actually do something they promise they'll just end up losing that voting constituency.


Active Member
To use the words "least fortunate" is to imply that those who are doing well owe it all to luck. People who are poor are usually poor because of their own bad decisions, not because of luck. People who do well usually do well because of their own drive and determination. I don't think fortune has a whole lot to do with it.
Ok then I misspoke. I guess what I mean by less fortunate is someone with a lesser fortune. poor.... even if it is often they're own fault, it's clear that many are born into conditions that offer less opportunities. Hold it.......I know everyone can shape their future, but it's easier for some, you cannot deny that!


Well-Known Member
Ok then I misspoke. I guess what I mean by less fortunate is someone with a lesser fortune. poor.... even if it is often they're own fault, it's clear that many are born into conditions that offer less opportunities. Hold it.......I know everyone can shape their future, but it's easier for some, you cannot deny that!
Yeah it's easier for the ones who have more ambition, more drive, more will. It's easy to give up and say "I'll just let the government take care of it." In essence what you're saying is "I'll let someone who is paying taxes take care of me." It's a socialistic attitude that's usually indoctrinated into the American public from our liberal controlled school system.


Active Member
Yeah it's easier for the ones who have more ambition, more drive, more will. It's easy to give up and say "I'll just let the government take care of it." In essence what you're saying is "I'll let someone who is paying taxes take care of me." It's a socialistic attitude that's usually indoctrinated into the American public from our liberal controlled school system.
Can we not both be right? Cause I honestly think that yes, drive and motivation can lead ANYONE to success, but some people are born into conditions that simply make it easier.
You can't tell me someone born in Burma has as much of a chance to thrive at birth than that person's clone born into a household in Bellaire, even if the two behave the exact same way.

I guess we'll agree to disagree, but yes, hard work and persistence can lead anyone to whatever goals they strive to achieve.


Well-Known Member
Can we not both be right? Cause I honestly think that yes, drive and motivation can lead ANYONE to success, but some people are born into conditions that simply make it easier.
You can't tell me someone born in Burma has as much of a chance to thrive at birth than that person's clone born into a household in Bellaire, even if the two behave the exact same way.

I guess we'll agree to disagree, but yes, hard work and persistence can lead anyone to whatever goals they strive to achieve.
LOL! Well in that cases, I think the person born in Burma has the better odds of being more fortunate. They grow up in an area that isn't surrounded by a bunch of plastic people who only think that material possessions are what is important. The person in Burma will be the one who grows up with a work ethic, an understanding of the importance of family, love, hard work. They will appreciate the small, yet very important things in life.

I grew up in a very rural area of Colorado, and I have to admit, I think I am more blessed for it compared to anyone born in Beverly Hills or some fancy schmancy place like that.

I can actually survive on my own without electricity. I can live off the earth. I can milk a cow. I can grow a garden. Of course who here can't?


Active Member
LOL! Well in that cases, I think the person born in Burma has the better odds of being more fortunate. They grow up in an area that isn't surrounded by a bunch of plastic people who only think that material possessions are what is important. The person in Burma will be the one who grows up with a work ethic, an understanding of the importance of family, love, hard work. They will appreciate the small, yet very important things in life.

I grew up in a very rural area of Colorado, and I have to admit, I think I am more blessed for it compared to anyone born in Beverly Hills or some fancy schmancy place like that.

I can actually survive on my own without electricity. I can live off the earth. I can milk a cow. I can grow a garden. Of course who here can't?
Thanks, I hadn't looked at it that way.


New Member
LOL! Well in that cases, I think the person born in Burma has the better odds of being more fortunate. They grow up in an area that isn't surrounded by a bunch of plastic people who only think that material possessions are what is important. The person in Burma will be the one who grows up with a work ethic, an understanding of the importance of family, love, hard work. They will appreciate the small, yet very important things in life.

I grew up in a very rural area of Colorado, and I have to admit, I think I am more blessed for it compared to anyone born in Beverly Hills or some fancy schmancy place like that.

I can actually survive on my own without electricity. I can live off the earth. I can milk a cow. I can grow a garden. Of course who here can't?
Yeah right, I'll bet you'd be the first to cry when the lights go out and you can't listen to your stereo or watch porn, yeah the great fronteirsman, LMFAO.


New Member
All this bitching about poor people but not a word about how Bush will receive $200 thousand per year for the rest of his life and if he dies first, his wife gets the money. And Clinton is still getting paid, and Bush Sr, and Nancy Reagen....etc. Let's not forget all the people who leave congress and collect 1/2 their salary for the rest of their lives. Cutting them off would save a nice chunk of money. Just cutting off ex-presidents alone would save a million dollars of tax payer money each year.

Let's not forget those who are stuffing their bank accounts with everyones money.