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  1. Yowza McChonger

    Trumptard lie of the day set ablaze - "Best economy in history of the world."

    Great post. Well done. LOL, you're the first person I can recall referring to me as thin-skinned. That's a total hoot. If you can clearly explain why my reply was not reasonable or expressed in an irresponsible manner, I'd welcome your opinion. Does a grad psyc degree offer some magic...
  2. Yowza McChonger

    Trumptard lie of the day set ablaze - "Best economy in history of the world."

    Stop it. You're being foolish and you know it. Your posts suggest someone who can do better. I'm pretty sure I gots ol' Ted beat. If you find all successful people to be devoid of honor and humanity, you find a large slice of the world deathly bleak, PERIOD. I'm somewhat in agreement with...
  3. Yowza McChonger

    Loudmouth Trumptard Christians who HATE THE POOR!

    Wrong. "Can't" is a real big word, Holmes. And, it most certainly wasn't always the same woman, LOL - there's a lot of years between mid teens and mid thirties. We started in our 30's, math sez we're now in our 50's. After reading the superb books by the tragically late, great Neil Peart, we...
  4. Yowza McChonger

    Loudmouth Trumptard Christians who HATE THE POOR!

    1) I seriously doubt the ignore function was invented primarily as a safeguard against boredom. 2) Again, I have written a book about (but not wholly about, or course) myself. It's done very well and it's a hoot. 3) I am one of my favorite subjects. Why? Many consider me very interesting...
  5. Yowza McChonger

    Trumptard lie of the day set ablaze - "Best economy in history of the world."

    Wrong. Being successful does not inherently obliterate honor and humanity. My father, for example, made millions and is among the most decent people I've ever known. I can't think of a single dishonorable or wicked thing done by him. Same for me. I'm a wizard at making money, but if you...
  6. Yowza McChonger

    Trumptard lie of the day set ablaze - "Best economy in history of the world."

    You're quite correct and thanks for that addition, but the path of least resistance tends not to be my first choice. One would think it would be worth knowing that Jimmy Carter kicked Agent Orange's ass in a very important indicator of economic might. Are you of the notion that such a thing is...
  7. Yowza McChonger

    Trumptard lie of the day set ablaze - "Best economy in history of the world."

    That's an interesting situation. I've done very well during the Trump presidency, including an unexpected sudden windfall just short of seven digits at the end of his term directly attributable to Trump and his Trumptards. 2020 was the most pleasant and lucrative year of our lives. That...
  8. Yowza McChonger

    Trumptard lie of the day set ablaze - "Best economy in history of the world."

    Whoops....silly, stoned me. I done forgot my source: That is all, for real this time.
  9. Yowza McChonger

    Why does it feel good to fight with people on the internet?

    I have a life devoid of strife. My longtime girlfriend has the finest character I've ever known. My friends are all top-notch. My household is set for life and then some. Life is fun, interesting, and constantly progressing. It most certainly wasn't always like that, though. Point is, life...
  10. Yowza McChonger

    Trumptard lie of the day set ablaze - "Best economy in history of the world."

    A Trumptard I know bellowed today the oft-parroted lie that Don the Con's economy was the best ever, anywhere. That is preposterous. It wasn't even the best of the decade. There are, of course, many measures of economic success, but one is annual GDP growth. In that respect, he didn't even...
  11. Yowza McChonger

    AP: Cyborgs, Trolls and bots: A guide to online misinformation

    Consider it done. Or, more precisely, consider the consideration to consider actually doing it done. Open up WIDE, world, for: McChonger: The Fogdog Chronicles Aw, fuck. It ain't all about me no more now that I done mentioned you, is it? Oh, cruel fate........
  12. Yowza McChonger

    Loudmouth Trumptard Christians who HATE THE POOR!

    No dice. I would never, EVER get married. When I think of cousins marrying, a certain scumbag by the name of Rudy comes to mind.
  13. Yowza McChonger

    Loudmouth Trumptard Christians who HATE THE POOR!

    LOL, good answer, but that was kindasorta understood. I didn't think you were resentful of me playing my guitar. You have, mildly, the gift of wit. I like your avatar (I actually named a pet after Ricky). I like Canada and Canadians. By "here" do you mean on this par-tickler forum or RIU as...
  14. Yowza McChonger

    Loudmouth Trumptard Christians who HATE THE POOR!

    Egad man, is the concept of context foreign to you? We're discussing THE INTERNET, dude, not the universe. Stop it. Just stop it. No need to senselessly be a dick. Ignore is for cowards. But, have it your way. Good luck with all those tragedies of yours.
  15. Yowza McChonger

    Loudmouth Trumptard Christians who HATE THE POOR!

    A doctorate in clinical psyc and a master's in both soci and CJ. Given another go at it, I would have proceeded differently - that was largely a waste of time. Whaddaya gots against mad props? No, hahaha yes. The mad props were extended and can't be undone.
  16. Yowza McChonger

    Loudmouth Trumptard Christians who HATE THE POOR!

    This is where the phenomenon of internet forum mob mentality gets especially fascinating. One gets medical diagnoses from strangers based on almost nothing. One gets speculations about their sex life. One wonders why someone would spend a second of their one (uh, sorry, Hindus) precious life...
  17. Yowza McChonger

    Loudmouth Trumptard Christians who HATE THE POOR!

    Hmmm.....this one is interesting: 1) You were right to agree. The posts are valid. 2) What, exactly, suggested to you I'm in my mid teens? I bet you cant cough up a valid answer. As a larf, I'll refer to my spreadsheet for something I actually did at age 15. Wow...a good one, too - 11/28/83...
  18. Yowza McChonger

    Loudmouth Trumptard Christians who HATE THE POOR!

    I've been on since the beginning. I've certainly heard of sock puppets, and that was people who registered an alter ego for apparent support like Mitt Romney did on Twitter. The specific term "socks" was not familiar to me, though. I did actually Google both socks (which obviously went...
  19. Yowza McChonger

    AP: Cyborgs, Trolls and bots: A guide to online misinformation

    I have, kind of.....of course it's not ALL about myself. That would be extremely challenging 'cuz of that whole no stoner is an island thing. My not-quite-all-about-myself masterpiece is a truly hilarious, engaging, uplifting, heartbreaking, witty, exquisitely-written monument to throbbing...
  20. Yowza McChonger

    Loudmouth Trumptard Christians who HATE THE POOR!

    Nailed NOTHING, for whether or not I am either pompous or an ass is of bare minimal importance and of zero value to this discussion. And, last I checked, the text on a meme, especially when offered as a response, IS DIALOGUE! Do words somehow stop being words when they're plopped atop a cutesy...