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  1. T

    Can't figure out what's wrong!

    Hi everyone. My grow is steadily getting worse and I just can't figure out what's wrong here. Leaves look like they could be a mix of calcium def, mag def, phosphorous or potassium def?? Growing in 50 litre soil bags, feeding at ph6.5 ec1.6-1.8. nutrients are nutrifield bloom. I've been trying...
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    Can't seem to fix this leaf issue

    This has been getting slowly worse for the last 3 weeks. Can't seem to figure it out, it started out as little spots and I thought calcium deficiency so added calcium nitrate, switched to calcium acetate in flower with no effect. Also added magnesium sulphate in case it was mag def. It slowly...
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    Can anyone tell me what is wrong with these?

    Plant problems, can anyone diagnose? Soil pH is around 6.5 Fed at EC1.0 about a week ago and they have done this. ive always grown DWC and never have any issues and i just dont really know how to diagnose soil issues could it be overwatering?
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    spots on leaves

    Hi all. spotty leaves, not sure what's going on. Please help! looks like calcium deficiency maybe? Strain: Gorilla glue #4 autoflowering. First time I've ever grown this strain. week 4 from germination nutrifield two part nutrients plus nutrifield bud burst. RDWC EC 1.0 - 1.2 PH 6.3-6.5. I let...
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    I need a large, quiet air pump.... or just good advice.

    you, sir, are a scholar, a gentleman and a goddamned life saver. i'll have this issue sorted by the end of the weekend.
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    I need a large, quiet air pump.... or just good advice.

    im using 30cm/1ft long air stones about 1" diameter. 6 of them per 500 liter unit.
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    I need a large, quiet air pump.... or just good advice.

    Thanks so much for your reply. If that would work it would be awesome. it would completely solve the noise issue. Do you have any practical experience using that kind of setup?
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    I need a large, quiet air pump.... or just good advice.

    Hi, I am currently in the process of changing my entire grow over from flood and drain using clay pebbles substrate to DWC. One thing I failed to consider is that my grow is big. Really big. I use 1000 liter IBCs cut in half, and grow a SOG consisting of 30 plants and I run 8 of those units so I...
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    Weird problem I just can't solve.

    Hey guys. I'm having some issues with my flood and drain garden at the moment. The strange thing is it's happened the last two cycles in a row, but never happened in the many cycles before that, and isn't happening to another flood and drain table which is fed from the same nutrient tank. The...
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    Mold prevention

    If you have power out there run as many fans under the canopy as you are willing to buy and run. When I trim off lower growth and blow air around I get no mould, when I don't I always get mould.
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    What's wrong with these leaves?

    Soil ph around 6.5ish Strain is critical kush auto Under 600w led Ignore the white marks, that's just residuals from a cal/mag foliar spray. There are just a few plants with leaves like this, setup is a 4*4 SOG with about 80 plants from seed, one particular phenotype seems to be doing this. I've...
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    Hernies help

    It don't look too bad to me, how many male flowers have you found?
  13. T

    germinating autos with gibberellic acid problem

    Howdy. I germinated a run of Auto CK two weeks ago, I used my usual hydrogen peroxide method which typically results in 95% germination in a day or two, but as the seeds were a year old and I had some gibberellic acid I figured I'd use it, as a quick forum search indicated people use it...
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    project making fem autos outdoors uk

    have you done this before? I assume you haven't as you're planning to BHO the flower you spray. I can advise you on how to go about this as I have done a lot of it, breeding my own auto strains etc. First thing I would advise is make your own colloidal silver, thats easy you just need a battery...
  15. T

    Gibberellic acid germination on Auto Critical Kush

    Howdy. I germinated a run of Auto CK two weeks ago, I used my usual hydrogen peroxide method which typically results in 95% germination in a day or two, but as the seeds were a year old and I had some gibberellic acid I figured I'd use it, as a quick forum search indicated people use it...
  16. T

    cree cxb3590, fake or real?

    Hi all. I'm planning to refit three COB led fixtures I have with CXB3590s. I originally built them quite a long time ago with cheap chinese COB chips. this was back in the days when the growing world had just graduated from "blurple" to 3000-4000K COB chips having come to the realization that...
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    DWC -SOG .

    You can't clone them. You need to order seeds and breed your own fem seeds with colloidal silver. I do a seed run once a year and that gives me enough seeds to keep things ticking along.
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    DWC -SOG .

    Auto critical kush, so they just stay on 20/4
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    DWC -SOG .

    That's the first grow I've done in soil for years, I normally do flood and drain or coco. Just had to do this due to unavailability of inert media on account of Corona virus lockdown. I'll be very interested to see how it turns out as very few people space plants so closely in soil. They do have...
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    Can you guess the lighting used to produce these beautiful nugs??

    Oh I see the OP made another post it's his first grow with cfl. Kudos. It's better looking than my first ever grow was. Nice and frosty just needed more light and it would have been spectacular.