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  1. Chenzo20

    Should i keep heat matt under newly taken cuttings

    Taking cuttings for the first time , should I keep a heat matt under them in he propagation dome.
  2. Chenzo20

    Should i leave heat matt under new seedlings once sprouted.

    Seedlings have sprouted , should I remove the heat matt or leave it under
  3. Chenzo20

    Keep dome off or on new seedlings

    Thanks for reply was getting mixed messages online
  4. Chenzo20

    Keep dome off or on new seedlings

    Do i leave the propagation dome on or take it of once the seedlings have sprouted
  5. Chenzo20

    New seedlings Help.

    Yes I had it in a dome and noticed it so I have took them out now
  6. Chenzo20

    New seedlings Help.

    Two of my new seeds have sprouted and was going fine ,but now has started to turn abit yellow should I keep it under the dome or heat mate or take both away.
  7. Chenzo20

    Thanks alot hotrodharley

    Thanks alot hotrodharley
  8. Chenzo20

    Hi pal been advised to get some info of you, small white Mark's on my leaves , then looked...

    Hi pal been advised to get some info of you, small white Mark's on my leaves , then looked underneath and had to notice but then seen really small little white insects could this be thrips or what's your best advice to get rid
  9. Chenzo20

    White Mark's on leaves and tiny insects

    Nice one , going to spray shit out of the little fuckers
  10. Chenzo20

    White Mark's on leaves and tiny insects

    I just spoke to a mate he said spray them with a little bit of cinnamon and washing up liquid mix
  11. Chenzo20

    White Mark's on leaves and little white bugs

    Picture and close up on the leaves
  12. Chenzo20

    White Mark's on leaves and little white bugs

    I noticed white Mark's on a few of my leaves then looked underneath really hard to notice bit seen the odd really tiny white bug on it not on all leaves want to rid of this ASAP so bet way to get rid please!!
  13. Chenzo20

    White Mark's on leaves and tiny insects

    I noticed some leaves with white Mark's on and look underneath really hard to notice but then seen little white insect move , it's not on all leaves just a few but want to sort soon as possible.
  14. Chenzo20

    First grow leaves growing twisted ??

    Noticed this on one of the other plants could this be from heat
  15. Chenzo20

    First grow leaves growing twisted ??

    The leaves seem to be straightening out since yesterday
  16. Chenzo20

    First grow leaves growing twisted ??

    I used a small amount of ferts when I watered them twice and thought I would leave it until the roots get established in the soil
  17. Chenzo20

    First grow leaves growing twisted ??

    How old are they have you used any certs yet