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  1. D

    toxicity or deficiency?? fungus,mites??

    ya im in flower 4 weeks but they are sativas and unknown genetics,they were freebees from i have no idea how long it will take..i may have another 2 months to go,do you think they would last that long if untreated?
  2. D

    toxicity or deficiency?? fungus,mites??

    ive grown autos for a few years and never Ever had a problem..until i started photo grows can certainly tell they are females with the "fuck you" im doing a scrog right now and the stretch is i was thinking about gettin them the hell out of there and removing the...
  3. D

    toxicity or deficiency?? fungus,mites??

    after trying the soap and water method twice..they are just getting worse..anyone know how long it would take for spider mites to kill a plant?
  4. D

    toxicity or deficiency?? fungus,mites??

    I couldnt do anything about the heat but to use fans for circulation and exhaust due to the heatwave we had for 2 weeks..air was the same temp goin in as it was coming out..lights on at 5:30 pm and off at 4:30 am...i was thinking the soil (promix) should have whatever else they need..if not then...
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    toxicity or deficiency?? fungus,mites??

    also turned lights down to about 75% intensity..i was thinking the lights were too bright right now Thanks guys!
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    toxicity or deficiency?? fungus,mites??

    I may have jumped the gun in a panic but i just made a solution using unconcentrated dawn dish soap and warm water..sprayed every leaf top and underside thoroughly..ive read they dont like wet climates and the medium is still moist from watering last night..will water again tomorrow..i hope it...
  7. D

    toxicity or deficiency?? fungus,mites??

    I just checked numerous leaves with my 60x loupe and thought i may have seen just 1..but that was it..wouldnt i have seen more for such damage to be done? can i get rid of them if thats the issue?
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    toxicity or deficiency?? fungus,mites??

    Hey guys, so today after lights on i went to check on my ladies and found about 50% of the leaves have these small brown spots accompanied by purplish red stems..bud leaf tips are curling and 1 is actually half yellow. i have been feeding using Big Bud up until a week ago and started using...
  9. D

    Should I revert back to veg nutes?

    I didnt lose any plants..they were stressed from fuckin things up..the potential harvests were not having much trouble now as i have learned patience..they are rarely touched except for some lst and topping only once until my skills are more advanced..supercropping is no longer...
  10. D

    Should I revert back to veg nutes?

    I wanted them to show sex before taking clones as a form of monstercropping and help go into flower alot sooner when flipped ive read and tried..clones will be my go to thing definitely from now on...all the info ive gathered over the last few months is a little tough to organize...
  11. D

    Should I revert back to veg nutes?

    not really a size thing as they are in a 3.5x3.5x6' grow box I built with 2x600w leds hanging about 14 inches. I flipped according to height which I was using as a sign of maturity..but only recently read they are not mature until alternating nodes have appeared..thats when I flipped..still to...
  12. D

    Should I revert back to veg nutes?

    Hey guys, I am currently on my 2nd photo grow with 2 females,flipped at 4 weeks and didnt show sex for another 2 weeks. After the flip I waited about 10-12 days but no signs of I tried a weak dose of big bud to see if that would work and it did!..1 showed 4 days later and the other...
  13. D

    Legalization?? please answer

    I was just looking at the bylaws for cape says the same thing as all of nova scotia...but on a lighter "friend happens to be an egg farmer,who just got 3 dozen eggs thrown back in his face and told to go fuk himself for making me a nervous wreck for 2 days...can happily say...
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    Legalization?? please answer

    Yes that's what I knew all along until my idiot friend said what he i'm nervous as hell
  15. D

    Legalization?? please answer

    Im in nova scotia and I own my hate to take everything down..just flipped 4 plants last week
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    Legalization?? please answer

    I was reading about it all day but never found anything about needing a marijuana card or register...It doesn't say anything specific,only that Each household may grow up to four marijuana plants...that's pretty much all It says about growing....but this is also the same friend who says hanging...
  17. D

    Legalization?? please answer

    Im in canada..its supposed to be legal right?
  18. D

    Legalization?? please answer

    hey guys, Is it really legal for "anyone" to grow weed? I was told by a "friend" who was supposedly speaking to police about growing 4 plants who said it IS illegal except with a marijuana card from a doctor. Ive read that it Is legal but it doesn't say "anyone" only says adults over 18...
  19. D

    no signs week 3 flower

    I found that a little strange myself..seen a vid on youtube and they stated plants start flowering at 13 hours on 11 off..never tried it but it makes me wonder why 13-11 isn't the norm if that's true...maybe it is true except ppl use 12-12 to make sure plant will stay flowering one it has started.
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    no signs week 3 flower heres what i did..i changed the light schedule to 10-14 and after about 3 weeks i finally saw the first pistils..kept it there for another week and increased to 11-13 which is what they are at now and gonna stay there..increased feeding regimen on one with a double dose back to back at...