Legalization?? please answer


hey guys,
Is it really legal for "anyone" to grow weed?
I was told by a "friend" who was supposedly speaking to police about growing 4 plants who said it IS illegal except with a marijuana card from a doctor.
Ive read that it Is legal but it doesn't say "anyone" only says adults over 18.
I've been a complete nervous wreck over this bc quite a few ppl know im growing 4 plants..ive been to jail years ago and if its true and i get caught its right back to jail which cannot happen in my life right now.
It's critical I get some understanding on the subject..

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Well-Known Member
Where do you live? In every place that I've heard of that it's "legal" you have to register with the state at least. Why do so many people know ur growing? Sounds like you need to shut down immediately if you're worried about going to jail. Find out what you need to do be legal and do it. That's the only guarantee against incarceration.


Well-Known Member
It depends where you live as to whether it's legal or not. If it's causing you so much distress then don't grow. If you do and you don't even know the legalities where you live then you need to take the time to find out. And not from some friend. And keep it to yourself. It's legal here but I don't tell anyone except a few close friends that I've known for years and trust completely. What are you doing? Getting drunk and then bragging about your plants?

Where do you live? In every place that I've heard of that it's "legal" you have to register with the state at least. Why do so many people know ur growing? Sounds like you need to shut down immediately if you're worried about going to jail. Find out what you need to do be legal and do it. That's the only guarantee against incarceration.
You don't have to register in Oregon.


Well-Known Member
It depends where you live as to whether it's legal or not. If it's causing you so much distress then don't grow. If you do and you don't even know the legalities where you live then you need to take the time to find out. And not from some friend. And keep it to yourself. It's legal here but I don't tell anyone except a few close friends that I've known for years and trust completely. What are you doing? Getting drunk and then bragging about your plants?

You don't have to register in Oregon.
Cool! I didn't know that! I would certainly want to know the legal status before I started growing, whether or not I intended to He should be aware of the law in his state.



those are the laws by province. idk if its the same in canada but individual cities can also make restrictions in the US. you have to check your local laws.

I was reading about it all day but never found anything about needing a marijuana card or register...It doesn't say anything specific,only that Each household may grow up to four marijuana plants...that's pretty much all It says about growing....but this is also the same friend who says hanging socks and underwear on a clothes line is he full of it? really hoping he is


Well-Known Member
Growing cannabis
You may not sell the cannabis you grow at home to others.

At home
The Cannabis Act permits adults to cultivate up to 4 cannabis plants per household (not per person). Some provinces and territories have applied added restrictions on personal cultivation.

There are recommended safety and security measures for growing cannabis plants.

Growing for sale
You need to be licensed by Health Canada to be able to grow cannabis for sale.

In some cases, you may also need a licence from the Canada Revenue Agency to sell cannabis. Legal cannabis products must carry an excise stamp, except those products with less than 0.3% THC or no THC.

Laws in your area
Each province and territory also has its own rules for cannabis, including:

  • legal minimum age
  • where adults may buy it
  • where adults may use it
  • how much adults may possess
You must respect the laws of the province, territory or Indigenous community you are in, whether you are a visitor or live there.

Municipalities may also pass bylaws to regulate the use of cannabis locally.

Review your provincial and territorial guidelines. Also check your municipality's website for local information.

Cannabis in the provinces and territories


Well-Known Member
Im in canada..its supposed to be legal right?
Yes, it's entirely legal to have up to 4 plants per household. Unless you're in Quebec, and I think Manitoba. You don't have to register with anyone. Each province that allows growing can have different regulations. In BC I think it has to be out of sight of the public, in either New Brunswick or Nova Scotia it has to be in a locked area, either fenced off or a locked room.


Well-Known Member
Cool! I didn't know that! I would certainly want to know the legal status before I started growing, whether or not I intended to He should be aware of the law in his state.
I'm in Cali & have a medical card because of so many city & county ordinances on the " legal" stuff & don't think I would be comfortable with more than an ounce my medical card allowed 8 ounces


Well-Known Member
If you rent, the landlord can say no growing, at least indoors. I'm not entirely sure about outdoors, but I think it might be the same. What province are you in? I just checked and Manitoba requires a medical licence to grow. Quebec just says no.


Yes, it's entirely legal to have up to 4 plants per household. Unless you're in Quebec, and I think Manitoba. You don't have to register with anyone. Each province that allows growing can have different regulations. In BC I think it has to be out of sight of the public, in either New Brunswick or Nova Scotia it has to be in a locked area, either fenced off or a locked room.
Yes that's what I knew all along until my idiot friend said what he i'm nervous as hell


Well-Known Member
Looks like you're fine to grow four plants as long as you're 19 or older. Never go by he said/she said when dealing with laws.

19 is the legal age to use, buy, grow or possess cannabis in Nova Scotia. If you’re under 19, you can be fined or face criminal charges.

Legal age adults can grow up to four cannabis plants per household. Each apartment in a house or building is considered a separate household. Take extra care to grow safely if you have children or pets at home.

Municipalities may pass additional bylaws that further restrict cultivation. Some have, so be aware of local bylaws.


Well-Known Member
Ontario has a website specifically for people to ask questions and find answers about the laws, I'd be surprised if NS doesn't have one too.


I was just looking at the bylaws for cape says the same thing as all of nova scotia...but on a lighter "friend happens to be an egg farmer,who just got 3 dozen eggs thrown back in his face and told to go fuk himself for making me a nervous wreck for 2 days...can happily say im less 1 friend..he was a new friend whom i thought i could trust but apparently not..its not just me he was fukin with...
Thanks for the help stress has been relieved..phewwbongsmilie8-):lol: