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  1. Theo C Cupier

    Nutrient Ratios Information

    Agreed, although in my case I've just bought the basic salts required to reach my targets for Macros/Secondaries (PotNit, CalNit, MagNit, MKP, MagSulf, PotSulf), and am relying on a Micro blend just to simplify, to minimise the amount of chemicals I have to deal with. That might change in the...
  2. Theo C Cupier

    Nutrient Ratios Information

    Re: "Hard to read" Sorry about the "wall of numbers" format, will consider a better format in future: It's a little crowded as it gives weekly ppms, but in reality each 2-week block is identical - I change out my res every two weeks (except for very early veg, where I ramp up the nutes weekly)...
  3. Theo C Cupier

    Nutrient Ratios Information

    Here in the UK at least, GHE's labels are thus: The 6% Potassium Silicate solution product I've been using (Silicon Max) also lists the % of the oxide content, as does the CalMag product I've used in the past. The NPK label values are mandated by EU legislation, I'm not sure whether the...
  4. Theo C Cupier

    Nutrient Ratios Information

    Is that "15ppm of P" expressed as atomic P, or as P2O5 (as mandated on product labels, at least in the UK & EU)? 15ppm (mg/L) of P expressed as P2O5 ~=69ppm - could this explain the difference between yours and Skybound420's numbers? This is what I'm currently mixing for myself (comments very...