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  1. Rafterman76

    Wth is happening

    Just be patient. That is the key word. Do not over feed. Let them flower until they just stop getting any bigger. You are overthinking the process. Trust me i did the same thing and i am still new to this. Don't put a timeline on flower. It's easy to read so much online that you end up confused...
  2. Rafterman76

    Wth is happening

    Do you have anymore pics. There is a very light nutrient burn on the tips of the leaves up top, As for the yellowing of the bottom leaves, What are you using to PH your water and what kind of water are you using?
  3. Rafterman76

    Im a noob! 2x2 Coolgrows grow tent.

    Thanks for the replies guys, Much appreciated. I am about to water here in a little while. I put 1 tsp of 1-0-0 Cali-magic in a 1 gallon jug and ph'd it to around 6.5. the pot is pretty dry. Is it okay to put the whole gallon thru it in one watering?
  4. Rafterman76

    Im a noob! 2x2 Coolgrows grow tent.

    Just took these. And the Black Gold Cactus mix was all they had. I will go with something different on the next grow.
  5. Rafterman76

    Im a noob! 2x2 Coolgrows grow tent.

    My light is a Maxsisun 300 watt from amazon. The fox farm nutrients i am using are the grow big, big bloom and tiger bloom. Soil is Black Gold cactus mix. I have added Cali-magic 1-0-0 at 1tsp per gallon and it seems to have helped. I mix the Foxfarm trio i mentioned above at 1/2 tsp per gallon...
  6. Rafterman76

    What's wrong and what do I need to do to fix it ?

    You did that guy wrong man. He asked a question. He is new and i am also. If you are truly on here to help people then lead them in the right direction, You came off as a complete ass.. The owner of this forum would probably appreciate it if you were respectful of new members as well as older...
  7. Rafterman76

    Electricity Bill and Set up

    That's awesome! Thanks for sharing. bongsmilie
  8. Rafterman76

    Im a noob! 2x2 Coolgrows grow tent.

    Also any idea what i might can expect as far as yield? It my very first grow. And im using Fox Farm Trio nutrients. Thanks
  9. Rafterman76

    Im a noob! 2x2 Coolgrows grow tent.

    Any help with the yellow leaf and brown spots would be a huge appreciation. I cant find a definitive answer anywhere on google. Happy Grows!
  10. Rafterman76

    Im a noob! 2x2 Coolgrows grow tent.

    I topped her after the 5th node. I have pruned and defoliated what i felt wasnt going to make it to the top. I have also had to pull several leaves that turned yellow and had brownish spots/splotches. Any idea what that might be. This is day 15 of flower.
  11. Rafterman76

    Intake and exhaust

    Whatever your intake air is "ambient temp" is the coolest you will get. And that is not counting the heat from lights.
  12. Rafterman76

    Midnight mass heavyweight seeds, who's interested

    People are watching.. Do you need attention?
  13. Rafterman76

    Midnight mass heavyweight seeds, who's interested

    I am curious why you culled the first one? Was it just space limitations?
  14. Rafterman76

    Im a noob! 2x2 Coolgrows grow tent.

    I assume the nutes caused the leaf tip curl?
  15. Rafterman76

    Im a noob! 2x2 Coolgrows grow tent.

    Looking much better today! Fed nutes Saturday and topped yesterday. It's growing like crazy! Did LST before i took the pictures. The Vivosun 6" is doing great in this tent thankfully. I have the built-in speed controller on low. Also Planted an AK germinated seed today! excited to see how it goes!
  16. Rafterman76

    Im a noob! 2x2 Coolgrows grow tent.

    Im not seeing any signs of sex yet. I kinda think it may be a female from the research i have done but no hairs yet.
  17. Rafterman76

    Im a noob! 2x2 Coolgrows grow tent.

    I really have no idea. What would be suggested? I am going to be gone for 8 days in June but i have someone that can water for me. I am thinking start veg in 2-3 weeks maybe depending on growth. I plan on low stress training it some to get a few more cola's.