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  1. SnackPackGG

    All was well, Then i went on vacation

    Thank you! ill try that on my next grow. Most information I've seen has recommended feed on every 2nd or 3rd watering with soil, but it clearly wasn't working lol
  2. SnackPackGG

    All was well, Then i went on vacation

    As the title says, I've had minimal issues this grow (Asides from some beginner mistakes like using cheap potting soil) until i left for vacation and had the roommate water the plants. I was only got for 5 days. The roommate watered them with just pH of 6 - 6.5. and now the plants have a few...
  3. SnackPackGG

    Nutrient ppm Issue

    Thank you guys! not hard to tell im new to growing xD. i guess ill have to look into different soil for my next grow, any recommendation on what to look for? Thanks
  4. SnackPackGG

    Nutrient ppm Issue

    Just some basic potting soil. i posted a picture of it along with the progress of the plants. theyre 4 different types of auto's
  5. SnackPackGG

    Reverse Engineering everyone's nutrients

    Its now 3am and i work in the morning so i haven't read past page 6 yet. But what i, a complete beginner to growing, have taken away from this so far is the following: a) There are a ton of different companies with brands of nutrients. - this one seems obvious, but most of these companies...
  6. SnackPackGG

    Nutrient ppm Issue

    Awesome! thank you
  7. SnackPackGG

    Nutrient ppm Issue

    Hey guys! i'm looking for some feedback on my situation, any advice here would be greatly appreciated as im very new to growing. I was led to believe that during veg, plants would benefit the most from something like a 15-5-5 ratio(high n and low p,k). i assumed the nutrient brand itself...
  8. SnackPackGG

    New Grower - Closet Setup - Heat Issue

    Thanks! just for clarity, are you referring to the jar buds when you say they could of used a few weeks longer or the white-ish ones?
  9. SnackPackGG

    New Grower - Closet Setup - Heat Issue

    the closet is 2 by 5 by 8. with a corner section of roughly 1.5 by 2 by 8. so we would be looking at 2x5x8 = 80 cubic feet for the main portion and ( 1.5x2x8 ) / 2 =.12 (halved because of the corner) Thats 92. Giving me a 2.2 times a minute ratio. i feel like that should be enough to handle the...
  10. SnackPackGG

    New Grower - Closet Setup - Heat Issue

    Hi RIU Commmunity! I'm brand new to growing now that its legal to do so here in Canada. I had one test run a few months ago and did OK with it, so i decided to step it up a bit and get serious about it. I recently upgraded my lights and now have some issues. Im looking for alternatives to...
  11. SnackPackGG

    Welcome New Members!

    Thanks! i had asked another friend of mine about the "like" issue too who uses this forum. i guess its suppose to be in the bottom right like you staid, next to the reply button i just clicked to respond to you. however i dont have one, im hoping its because my account isnt a full day old yet!
  12. SnackPackGG

    Welcome New Members!

    hmm. super new to this. so just looking to fill the minimum requirements so i can post about my grow. i know have 3 posts done, but how do i like other peoples posts? haha Thanks ^.^
  13. SnackPackGG

    i just want to grow enough weed to drown in it.

    i just want to grow enough weed to drown in it.
  14. SnackPackGG

    Welcome New Members!

    Hey guys! brand new to the forums here! im from alberta canada, and can now grow legally. ill be doing up a post on my grow setup for some feedback and advice. I have done one grow already, but recently have upgraded my equipment! Have a great day everyone!
  15. SnackPackGG

    How long do you let your carbon filters go?

    Thank you for this! im new to growing. picked up a filter, and had this exact same question.
  16. SnackPackGG

    Welcome New Members! Read this before posting!

    Hello world! new to the forums, and new to growing. Im from canada where its now legal! Woot!