How long do you let your carbon filters go?

Dragon Daddy

Well-Known Member
How long between replacements? I want to know from everyone who cares to share what their lengths of time they let their carbon filters go for?

3 months? 1 grow? 2 grows? Four months ? Six months? Ten years? 10 minutes? I want everyone’s preferences and opinions on carbon filters and their life and different brands and quality levels.

But mostly I just want to know how long you think they last before they need to be replaced. And what kind/quality/brand of carbon filters last for what length of time?

Smell isn’t an issue yet but I’m just wondering

I have several Phat filters, 48" x 12". They have been going for over 5 years and still work as good as they did when I got them.
Those are discontinued and when they were available they were like nearly $400 a piece. How do you afford such pricey gear man? The ac unit you said you run in your bedroom is $700 you got the gorilla grow tents lol The company still exists though, are their filters still that effective/durable I wonder? They only sell a 6x24 “ I think. Not looking to buy one anytime soon just wondering how long carbon filters in general last people. Sounds like those last the longest.
Yeah Phresh filters are way better than the other brands I have tried. Like Can-Filters, theirs only lasted me about a year before they quit all of the sudden. I think that it comes down to the quality of the carbon.
In Prohibition Land I change out my filter every year. My 6" hurricane fan is going on year No 3. I went through a couple of the 4" Ven tek fans in 6 months, now whether that was from speed controllers being used on them or not I can't say. But the same speed controller has ran the 6" Hurricane it's entire life.
I've always used Can Filters. My 100's have lasted 6 years easy. I'm building a new room and will order 3 new 75's. I hope that's enough for 20 plants in a 14x32 room. seems to have the best price (including the high shipping)
Personally I’ve been using the same RHINO PRO filter since 2012.

Here’s the trick.

I’ve over spec’d my fan for my area massively.

I have that fan set up to a thermostatic controller to keep my room between 22-26C.

The fan is rated at 465m3/h. That’s around 250CFM.

My fan barely reaches 50% speed in my area.

My rhino pro filter is rated at 900m3/h (460cfm?) and had an already good 2 year guarantee.

I replace the pre filter every grow as I have 2 of them.

Still zero smell from my area.

Approx 2-3 grows a year.
That's it, if you run a small filter to its max capacity it will stop doing its job far sooner.
I run 8" rhino pros , supposed to last 8 month, I try and replace them after a year but have recycled some and still going after 3 years with no smell because my fans are much lower airflow than the filters are rated.
Buy quality then you know they were built and packed properly. It only takes a lose pack and you have gaps and lack of smell control.
I'm still using a filter I bought seven years ago, I've refreshed it once. can't remember the name of it as it's got no stickers or anything on it but generally speaking just buy the heaviest one you can find. when it starts letting odor through pull it apart, put all the carbon pellets in the oven as hot as it will go and it will make your whole house stink like hell (not a weed smell though, just an awful chemical smell) when that smell drops off let them cool and pack them back into the filter and you're good for a few more years. at least that's what you do if you're cheap. if you're not cheap buy a big bag of activated carbon pellets and pack them into the filter casing instead. no sense throwing away a perfectly good filter casing just cos the carbon is worn out.
Can or Phresh/Phat ALL DAY. I ran a Can 125 or 150 back in 2004-05 for 4 years and still worked like it was new. Still got it actually just don't have a room that size anymore so I been rocking the phat/Phresh. Same shit, Grabbed the first one in 2009 it worked flawless till 2014. Grabbed another one and I'm almost needing a 3rd now 5 years later again. With almost exact timing like that on both tells me it's a no-brainer for round 3.