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  1. L

    One month into flower this ALWAYS happens.

    he said: so I dunno, sure looks like calcium def. if it was magnesium I would expect it to show on the oldest leaves first and the necrotic spots would only show on the tips after the interveinal chlorosis got pretty bad. I dont really see any interveinal chlorosis on the leaves in the pics...
  2. L

    Sick plants please help identify

    yeah I would put money on that being fusarium. Roots are more or less in tact and not total mush and half of the plant is fucked while the other half looks better, pretty classic symptoms. So what happens is that the fungus actually clogs the xylem of the plant. As the disease progresses it...
  3. L

    Random bag seed when to pull? Spider mites problems !

    Hey hey! Sorry for the late response! was gone for the weekend and didn't have internet. Yeah I would use the bloom booster at this stage. feeding with a lot of nitrogen later in flower can encourage vegetative growth, especially if its NH4! when I am 5 weeks into any cannabis crop I use a...
  4. L

    Help my twin babies :)

    Oh I know its a life style haha, some of my buddies are hardcore organic farmers and there is no compromising when it comes to amendments! That being said it seems that N def is their biggest issue during flower as well. I dont think its a low pH issue, and with out turning this into an essay...
  5. L

    Help my twin babies :)

    Those leaves might just be getting shaded and are dying as a natural result of being towards the end of the plants life and the energy of the plant going towards the buds. It does look like N def, has it been raining a lot? N is very mobile and will leach pretty easy outside. I dont know if i...
  6. L

    Random bag seed when to pull? Spider mites problems !

    Look like their 5ish weeks in. The fastest growing crops I have at my facility are 8 week strains, some are up to 10 weeks. If the mites are gone I would just let them finish, you can tell by looking at the trichomes to see if they start to turn cloudy. I would say at least another 2 weeks...
  7. L

    Sick plants please help identify

    Looks like fusarium wilt. When I was growing cyclamen that was somewhat common. it always starts with one side of the plant wilting then yellowing leaves especially on older tissue, then root rot like you have. looks pretty advanced and its kinda a lost cause at that stage usually, at least in...
  8. L

    Flushing tonight but what’s my problem?

    It looks like calcium deficiency in the first pics... but then the ones you just posted look like serious potassium toxicity? I know excess potassium can cause calcium deficiency, which might explain why they looked so lack luster in the first pic. In either case I would flush and feed with a...
  9. L

    Aphids week 3/4 flower

    Such is life with plants. Solve 1 issue 3 more pop up in its place lol
  10. L

    Aphids week 3/4 flower

    Nice! im glad to hear you got the aphids under control!
  11. L

    Aphids week 3/4 flower

    Yeah I have dealt with rice root aphid in cannabis. Alates will stick to the trichomes of the bud, but not the wingless females that are showing in that picture. When they had gotten bad enough they would even form colonies that fed on the foliage, but this is because I didn't have a real tool...
  12. L

    Aphids week 3/4 flower

    Oh man there is some bad advice here.... This to me looks like the green peach aphid, check it out here. Root aphids generally do not feed on the foliage unless the infestation is really bad, and you would be seeing all kinds of issues that typically...
  13. L

    Coco issues with gelato 33 + maithai + dosido

    So I cant over water anything I grow in coco, just has too much pore space and the field capacity is too low. Im sure you could do it with a seedling but for a mature plant like that, it would be really hard. I water 5 times a day via drips to my coco plants in flower, only about 350mL per...
  14. L

    Yellowing in flower

    Im sorry i didn't respond sooner I was camping in the white mountains this weekend and had no access to the internet! That chelated iron supplement looks good to me. 1.25% is on the low end but that will ensure that you cant give them a toxic amount by accident. So you did a foliar feed with...
  15. L

    Identification ???

    Yeah those a WFT larvae. If your interested, there are actually many different species of thrip out there. Most had their population wiped out decades ago when people where using Organophosphates all the time (super broad spectrum insecticides) and only the WFT was really able to adapt and...
  16. L

    Yellowing in flower

    Yep that does have iron in it, not sure if its chelated or not. But its got so many other secondary macro and micro nutrients in it, that I wouldn't feel safe telling you to correct your iron def with that product. If you are able to get your hands on a solely iron containing product (like...
  17. L

    Yellowing in flower

    its iron chlorosis. I have no idea what the ppms are in any of the nutrients you are using but they dont have enough iron to support the plants during their stretching period. I use a chelated iron source so I dont have to push my pH down when I flip my plants, but perhaps that what you can do...
  18. L

    Can anyone identify this mite?

    Is it a white, almost kinda translucent mite? You said you bought soil recently. cucumeris mites are soil dwellers and feed on thrip larvae. People will typically add them to soil and they last forever in there basically. You have specs of brown and white? could be somewhat severe thirp damage...
  19. L

    Identification ???

    That is a western flower thrip. Looks to be a 1st or 2nd instar larvae. So heres the deal, unless you use a systemic insecticide on all your plants, (please dont, jury is still out on health affects of smoking bud contaminated with said chemicals), or fallow your crop for a couple of months...