Help my twin babies :)

Hi!! I am very grateful I found this forum, I have been lurking around a lot and used a lot of good advice. Appreciate it fellas :D

Now here is the thing. This is my very first time growing cannabis and I have a problem (I think).

First some info: I sprouted 2 seeds (Nebula 2 cbd 1:1 thc/cbd ratio) the 15th may so my babies are almost 4 months now. They are 6-7 feet tall. I amended the soil a month before with two wheelbarrow loads of composted horse manure and some vermicompost and I planted so each plant is raised 10inches or so in a "volcano" (I have clay soil, acidic 5,5-6)

Everything was going very easy and they grew like mothafuggars, very beautiful, vigorous plants - hence the word weed? :D

But 3 weeks ago they started slowly yellowing from the bottom. Then I gave them liquid bloodmeal, bonemeal, vermicompost + diluted urine. No change, still the yellowing kept creeping upwards

Then I gave them banana peel tea + citrus food, epsom salt + diatomaceous earth. No change

Then I gave them banana peel tea again mixed with diluted urine and a handful of wood ashes. No change.

I have been thinking its either potassium or nitrogen , but no feed seem to help (plus the stems of the yellow leaves are not red, they should be red if nitrogen deficiency, right??)

Maybe its genetics and its okay? I read it happened to a guy that all the fan leaves went off and the buds were fine in the end.

And last question, these flowering times and whatnot are a bit confusing. I first saw pistils between nodes around 1st of august. They were there a week or 10 days before the flowers started with pistils, so when did my first week of flowering start? (my seeds)
And how long time do I have left regarding flowering approximately?

I am going to use these plants for medicine so I am very, very grateful for all inputs

Thank you in advance!! :)



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Those leaves might just be getting shaded and are dying as a natural result of being towards the end of the plants life and the energy of the plant going towards the buds.

It does look like N def, has it been raining a lot? N is very mobile and will leach pretty easy outside. I dont know if i would recommend hammering them with N at this stage as you really dont want to focus on veg growth and NH4+ and NO3- will encourage that. I cut my N down to like 50 ppm at week 4, which for indoor is very low and you look to be about 4ish weeks into flower yeah?

The plants look good and the buds look like they stacked nice so I would let them finish and feed the buds and not the leaves. so that would be high levels of phosphorus and higher levels of potassium. Hard to do with organic I know, but maybe you go buy some mono potassium phosphate and cheat? Ill keep your secret, pinky swear.
Thanks a lot Lukedaduke for your reply

Yes for me it look like N def but with loads of horse manure before planting and bloodmeal during flowering, I don¨t understand how it can be that hungry :D ...maybe the bloodmeal makes the soil more acidic and lockouts the nutrients? hmm

It has not been raining here (portugal) for 3 months so it can not be that. hmm but maybe. You see, I only water every two weeks or clay and mulch keep it nicely moist for quite some time , but not saturated (cause of volcano). But when I water, I water heavily, so maybe I leached out some good stuff?

How long time left do you think to harvest? The wierd thing is, the plants dont smell. At all. I was worried about neighbours and stuff, but wtf its smells less than rosemary haha

Well I am not going to cheat, I have 50 different trees and big garden, all organic , its more of a lifestyle hehe

But I can feed with banana peels again ( npk 0-3-42 )
Oh I know its a life style haha, some of my buddies are hardcore organic farmers and there is no compromising when it comes to amendments!

That being said it seems that N def is their biggest issue during flower as well. I dont think its a low pH issue, and with out turning this into an essay you just might have to take my word on that. Is it cold there? bacteria is what will be breaking down your organic matter into ions that your plant can then take up. If the ground is getting colder then the bacteria could be slowing down and thus not breaking down the material as quickly... but thats just a guess on my part.

If its not raining and there is no risk of bud rot, I would guess another 5 to 6 weeks? potassium will make them smell and get sticky! so keep up with those banana peels! You will smell them soon enough haha. My facility is pretty small for a commercial operation, but even with activated carbon filters every 15 feet I can smell the building before I can see it!
No its around 75-90 F in the day and 50-65 F in the night, so definitely not cold.
Hahaha I am both looking forward to the smell and not (its illegal here)
I bought some Ona gel for the drying though, hope it works..but before harvest its just plant luck and good neighbour ethics.

I was researching and they say its potassium that make them smell and taste,, so maybe they are K deficient, since no smell yet. Buy hey, I am going to pee in my all the time in my banana peel mix and dilute it a bit, lets see how it goes LOL.

Have you tried compost tea? Maybe my horse manure compost will give a faster boost?

Ahhh shit, but to be honest I love the smell, you probably too. Its crazy a plant can be illegal and we have to have paranoia of this wonderful aromatic medicinal plant!!