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  1. N

    How much taller? !

    Just remember if you didnt obtain your seeds legally and your plants get stolen you cant report the theft.
  2. N

    Mother lighting?

    Just looking to have a mother going, wondering what LED lighting you all would suggest. It doesnt need to veg heavy, only need about 8 clones every 4 months.
  3. N

    2nd Time running Fems

    Ahh i have mine packed in like your but under a scrog, so i gotta figure out a way to water. Was hoping you didnt take it out lol
  4. N

    2nd Time running Fems

    looks nice, how do you water the plants in the hack easily?
  5. N

    Pre-Flower LST/ SCROG Question

    Heres where we are now:
  6. N

    First time super crop (pics))

    Never said LST was quicker, just quick. It doesnt take anytime
  7. N

    First time grower looking for opinion

    Personally for the seedling stage I used T5’s about 2-3 inches from plant. During germination i use two t5’s for 4 plants in a line, once theyve gotten their true leaves and first mode I use 4 t’s then at 3 weeks I put under 315 CMH at 28 inches
  8. N

    It’s a she for sure

    Ill share some pics of mine when its lights on. I have pistils that are nearly a cm long in spots but still 1-2 weeks from flower
  9. N

    It’s a she for sure

    You’re looking at new growth not sex parts.
  10. N

    First time super crop (pics))

    Lst is rather quick, 10 seconds to mount the branch to the pot then 2-3 seconds of adjusting each day
  11. N

    Fucked up 12/12 on the first bad is it!?

    Nothing ruined unlees hermed. If you did 24 dark followed by 24 light youve still given the plants the same light dark period as a 12/12 just over 48 hours instead of 24 hours. Remember that days are made and used fir humans to keep track if time. You should be fine carrying on 12/12
  12. N

    Confused rookie grower needing some help

    What happened to your plant? Looks like it never had a chnace to grow
  13. N

    First time grower looking for opinion

    Two different strains will causw very different grows. I do think the node spacing means your lights were to far away
  14. N


    People on here are great. Flushing is like wearing a condom or not People will make fun of your for wearing it, A different sent will make fun of you for not wearing it. Neither set will care if you die of aids. Live your life, enjoy what you do and realize you cant change the mind of...
  15. N

    Pre-Flower LST/ SCROG Question

    Vegging until theyve hhit through the screen then im flipping. I currently have 17 squared around the edges that still need a branch under them but a few in the centre that have 2-3 ready per sqaure just another 1 ish inches to hit the net.
  16. N

    Pre-Flower LST/ SCROG Question

    a few just poking through. Some stalk photos a little yellowing and wilt from the heatwave but most of thats getting cut away anyway once the screens full. Nice thick support structure on the plants, quite happy. We hit 38 degrees outside today and I kept the tent below 29. Only have two 5000...
  17. N

    First time super crop (pics))

    No problem. i did LST myself. Here mine are today seed in dirt on 4/20
  18. N

    First time super crop (pics))

    Not sure about supercrop but I’d tighten trillis and clean that fan
  19. N

    2nd Grow, OGK Seedling Issue on Day 5 in Soil

    Just be paitent. But for seedlings I use T5’s Put them right up close and keeps them warm as well. Heat and a little water is all a plant wants st this stage.
  20. N

    Pre-Flower LST/ SCROG Question

    Thanks For the reply. Ive waited 8 days now and about 70% is ready to touch the screen. We just got hit by a heatwave and i couldnt get them their own ac for a day so they wilted a bit yesterday. Its lights out right now ill upload a pic of how theyre doing in 5 hours