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  1. mouse95338

    Did this clone just turn male?

    Yes it was the same as 3 other plants. They are female for sure. I ended up chopping it today. Just to be safe.
  2. mouse95338

    Did this clone just turn male?

    Thank you! I wasnt sure. I couldn't see any white hairs, so I panicked.
  3. mouse95338

    Did this clone just turn male?

    I think my clone just turned male. All our flower, but this one looks to be growing sacs. Not sure how this happened. Is it possible?
  4. mouse95338

    Help! I am watering twice a day now.

    I cannot lie this shit made me laugh. However I see how good of an idea it would be. Like a internal water reservoir. Thanks for the tip jdog!
  5. mouse95338

    Help! I am watering twice a day now.

    Thank you for the heads up. I will be burying them for sure. I know I have good soil....just bad gophers.
  6. mouse95338

    Help! I am watering twice a day now.

    Really? This will work? I will totally do that if it will help. I am gonna order 100 gallon pots for next year
  7. mouse95338

    Help! I am watering twice a day now.

    Thanks for the info bro. That makes me feel better. This is only my second try growing outside. Only did 1 plant outside last year. I am used to growing inside and controlling everything to how I wanted it. 250 plants indoors felt easier than dealing with this outside weather lol.
  8. mouse95338

    Help! I am watering twice a day now.

    It has been 100 degrees for the last 4 days. That might be why too.
  9. mouse95338

    Help! I am watering twice a day now.

    Hey guys. I do not have any bigger pots. I would put these in the ground, but I have a lot of gophers. They just started flowering. I am watering them at 7am and by 6pm they need water again. This does not feel normal. Any advice?
  10. mouse95338

    open show an tell 19

    Getting close to flower. I am getting impatient lol.
  11. mouse95338

    Male help !!! Please

    Definitely a male. Just throw a trash bag over it and chop it. Sorry for your loss. :(
  12. mouse95338

    10.5" cubed Fabric Storage Cubes instead of fabric pots?

    Yeah the green milk cartons I used are 6 gallon. Gotta use what I got sometimes :)
  13. mouse95338

    Should I add Nitrogen?? in first week of flower.

    I knew that, but I wasnt sure if it should be the same amount as when it is veging.
  14. mouse95338

    Should I add Nitrogen?? in first week of flower.

    Hey guys! So one of my plants didn't respond to the last FF Grow Big feeding. All the rest turned dark green. Now they are a week into flower and I have backed off on the Nitrogen. I am only using Tiger bloom and Big bloom right now. Should I try and hit it one more time with some bat guano or...
  15. mouse95338

    Earliest month in the year to sprout seeds

    I live in the middle of California. The soonest I plant seeds outside is early May. Earliest I put seedlings outside if I germinate inside would be mid April. The problem is that it gets below 50 degrees here at night in April and some of May. I have to bring them in at night. Hope this helps.
  16. mouse95338

    Is my plant male or female?

    I cannot tell for sure, but they do not look like pollen sacs. They look like small leaf growth or something. You may have to wait a few days. It's not like they will spread pollen when that small. They have to develop the sacs at least. Here is a closer picture of what you should be looking for.
  17. mouse95338

    First attempt

    Looks nice and chunky :)
  18. mouse95338

    Is my plant male or female?

    I second this. I do not see any signs of a male in the pictures provided. However, I have not seen it in person.
  19. mouse95338

    Is my plant male or female?

    The picture I posted was for an example of a male. I have already destroyed it. I was just giving him something to compare with. :)
  20. mouse95338

    Is my plant male or female?

    I am having trouble seeing any pollen sacs. I can share a picture of my recent male for reference. Hope it helps.