Purple rainmaker. This shit was frosty and awesome. Boston massacre
New England frost.
Bitch slap feisty as f and last up purple massacre. See some awesome shit in here . Awesomeness fellow roll it uppers
Well I can’t give legit stats I’d be lying if I said oh x y and z count from flip or not. But having talked to a shit ton of long time growers and it being legal. Most person to person conversations I’m having , I find the person doesn’t even consider it at first because just like all of us ...
It’s all genetics. On ogs I’m pretty sure that spacing is a pretty common trait. But it’s not necessarily a bad thing. Airflow is always good . Huge thick buds aren’t always the best. I grew a four pound plant under a 1000 watt hps and it would have been a lot more if it wasn’t so frikkin packed...
Oh and amazing stuff I’m finding works wicked pissa both outside and in. Trifecta bro. Spray it . It’s organic and completely biodegrades within 72 hours. Don’t go near anything that has frigging myclobutinil in it. That shit is for the birds. Myclobutinil is a great thing when it comes to...
Get rid of those branches. They will not hurt your plant at all. Unless it’s halfway through flower then the stress could hermie em . Growin indoors just try to keep all the canopy up top. Get rid of the shit inside where. Mites like to hide and powdery mildew can set in.
Ahh the sun. The best light there is. Just as strong on the ground as it is on the top. Otherwise we’d have tans where we got super dark on the chest up but our legs stay pasty white. lol.
I used to believe that. I was like HOW THE FUCK YOU GONNA REMOVE A CARS GAS TANK AND EXPECT IT TO RUN. well I was wrong in a big way. The leafs and everything all the lower branches are fine outdoors where the light at the bottom is just as strong as the top. But indoors , then again a lot of...
When you think your plant is done. Wait a week. Growers have been giving this advice forever and it’s great advice Because people pull way too early. You have to wait for the magic change and when you see it. You’ll know it. Thirty gallon plant under a 315. 315 watt cmh lamps kick ass.
Omg. Right. People think the moment they switch to twelve they start the count. Fuck the count. The count doesn’t mean shit these days because honestly you have no clue what your really getting from most breeders
Brother. Genetics and light are huge. But there’s a million other things. Pm. Powdery mildew or any kind of funk will stunt em. Not that that’s your case but disease is something to look at. Have you tested your water. Probably I’m just too lazy to read. Here’s an easy easy beginners tip...
Haha. Sorry. I assumed your from America. I’m pretty sure everyone in the us knows beantown is Boston’s kinda nickname. Honestly. Baked beans. Has to be. But don’t quote me on that. Beans as far as were concerned is beans , as in seeds. It just fit. My bad. I’m gonna look up who originally...
If anyone in the Boston area ever checks this thread. Hit us up on ig. Sorry I been meaning to get the seeds out. I’m gonna contact everyone instant messenger. Hit me up Keith laham on Facebook. Mention rollitup and I’ll make sure you get some swag. Slap stickers. Shirt hat whatever.
So far from what I’m seeing theres no difference in size if anything the two have grown bigger than even the thirty gallon. Top is two chicks one bucket. Bottom the thirty.