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  1. V

    First Grow Nirvana Blue Mystic.

    looking nice so far.........i like the blue do i subscribe? and good luck with this grow
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    400 HPS/ MH small grow tent?

    stick with the 250 hps system bro.......they work fine for that small of a tent
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    high yeilding, easy to clone strains?

    i'd go with a femanized seed for a mother plant bro......white russian clones in 5-10 days, but if i were you. you can go to to check out all the strains and they all have info on them...i order my seeds online from that site all the time. and i live in alaska. i get...
  4. V

    Making blue rhino seeds

    thanks green......i was actually gonna give them a couple more weeks as half of them don't even look done. i was gonna harvest them on thursday but not now. i will wait a 2 more weeks like you preferred. thanks for the info!
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    Making blue rhino seeds

    thanks grizzdude. i feel better about it now........i can't wait to grow my blue rhino! happy 4th!
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    Making blue rhino seeds

    im doing a crossbreed of white rhino and blueberry. i was wondering how many weeks to grow till the seeds are completely done? everything is going smoothly i just don't know how long to flower till the seeds are good to harvest. any info on this would be spectacular!
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    White Widow Grow Update

    leaf.....not im really bombed
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    White Widow Grow Update

    looks like your overwatering your babies....when the leaves curl like that their for the burn on the leave, nute burnt and check your ph.
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    help! i need to know what the PH needs to be at!

    thanks for all the info helps alot!
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    help! i need to know what the PH needs to be at!

    I am growing afghan kush special, and i would really appreciate it if someone told me what PH level it needs to be at while flowering........THANKS! i would put up some pics but don't know how yet.
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    First Grow, Day 42 veg time to flower?

    yeah 92 degrees is way up surprised yur plants didn't die of heat stroke.. :) j/k.. very nice looking plants, i would start to flower if i were you. good luck.
  12. V

    What you change anything on my grow cab?

    that looks like a great grow closet......have a nice grow
  13. V

    Three plants, three strains, attempt # three, 250w

    nice grows buddy.......i heard u saying something about matanuska thunderfuck earlier saying u have it?........sorry to burst yur bubble but its's gone extinct, im from alaska and it's been a looooooooong time (years) since anybodys ever seen it. and people that say they buy it over...
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    250whps closet grow

    yeah i agree, your plants should be seperated. and fast
  15. V

    First Grow, 4 Plants, Impressions???

    they look very nice......keep it up!
  16. V

    Can i use a 250w MH/HPS Conversion Bulb on my 250w HPS System?

    can i use a conversion hps bulb in a MH setup?
  17. V

    250w hps or 400w hps?

    I was wondering....would a 250W MH light be good enough to flower up to 2-3 plants? any help would be great! thanks.