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  1. B

    Mold or webs in my drying plant?

    Thanks guys. Well this is just my first plant there is one more that will be done in a week or two. How do I go about washing my weed?
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    Mold or webs in my drying plant?

    My plant is drying and I found this on one of my nugs. I definitely had spider mites before harvest but I can't tell if this is mold or webs.
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    Browning in side drying bud

    Look s like it was just this small spot. And started with the seeded calyx. Should I just cut it out the best I can?
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    Browning in side drying bud

    Fuckk so should I separate the bugs for driving ? Right now the whole plant is just hanging upside down
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    Browning in side drying bud

    So today I harvested 1 of my 2 plants. It did a full 9 weeks of flower. In early flower for what ever reason it got pollinated and the early calyx got seeded. It was fine later grow but those in itnitial calyx like on the stem turned brown and the seeds fallout easily. Now that the buds are...
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    Is she ready?? She started flowering super late July

    Thank you I might wait a few more days then
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    Is she ready?? She started flowering super late July

    Ok well they aren't amber yet at least to my eyes they look really milky should I wait?
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    Is she ready?? She started flowering super late July

    Lol ok I was told a couple more weeks a couple weeks ago but idk I'm no expert either
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    Is she ready?? She started flowering super late July

    All I have is a 5x magnifine glass is that enough?
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    Is she ready?? She started flowering super late July

    Somewhere between week 8-9 of flower is she ready please help
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    Ready for harvest or another week or two?

    All I have is a magnifine glass I will use it tomorrow morning and try to get a decent picture
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    Ready for harvest or another week or two?

    Well my friend said it was an auto flower but idk it was planted June 15th and started flowering right at the end of July around the 29th
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    Ready for harvest or another week or two?

    Just wondering because some tips of old calyixs are browning and the plants tricomes look nice and cloudy
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    So many problems should I just harvest?

    ok so I was given two seeds from a friend and he said they were both auto flowers. I planted both seeds around June 15th. One started to flower mid augest and the other mid September. Now that they are both later in flower I have a major spider mites problem that I have just excepted . I spend...
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    Plants are late in flower and I have big problems please help

    Ok thank you. Not to many white hairs left on her so might do that
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    Plants are late in flower and I have big problems please help

    Should I just harvest at this point ? I will post some pictures but between mold and spider mites I am starting to not be able to keep up
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    Plants are late in flower and I have big problems please help

    Thank you for your response I will do that today. My plants are outside so I can't really clean the surrounding area but I will spray under the leaves with some light soap and I will consider harvesting the one plant early
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    Plants are late in flower and I have big problems please help

    So what should I do about the mold?