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  1. F

    New leafs coming out yellowish green this ok?

    I use this.. I have never used anything that specifies dish soap... although I do know that trick from other gardening...
  2. F

    Unbalanced pH in the soil. How to fix it?

    Check your PH meter calibration... I always keep 2 or 3 handy just for redundancy and I always use the ones I can calibrate with solution by adjusting the pot with a screwdriver. I do not grow in coir but I do use an organic hybrid. If I was in your situation I would flush with just water PH'd...
  3. F

    3x3 Scrog attempt. 400W HPS

    You need a good CALMAG (Calcium, Magnesium... I use Roots Organics Calmag) in every feeding/watering in flower stages. First BE SURE your soil PH is on point!! If your soil PH is to high you will have some manganese, iron, boron, zinc and copper issues. That really looks like a common calmag...
  4. F

    New leafs coming out yellowish green this ok?

    Got some good lookin ladies there!! To me this looks like Nitro deficiency.... First.... check your soil PH to make sure its not high and locking out Manganese which aids utilization of Nitrogen (Mobile nutrient). If this is the case dry the root zone out so shes real thirsty and flush here with...
  5. F

    What insect is this?

    Neem oil is my GO TO for all... ive KILLED EVERYTHING with it!!! lol.. Finally learned to just spray once a week (except for after wk 4 of flwr) and nothing will ever pop up on me. Good organic solution.
  6. F

    When should I stop feeding?

    Depends on your style of growing.... meaning what your using as far as medium and nutes/food. I for example grow all organically 100%. My soil and micro-nutrients are all organic. I grow indoors with full spectrum LED's. I use organic compost teas, well water (only adjusting PH to keep my soil...
  7. F

    What insect is this?

  8. F

    First real grow, need some help and any advice is appreciated!

    I agree with you. I have never heard of needing food in ff until somewhere in mid to late veg. Transplant usually does cause slight to mild shock that i've witnessed different recovery time dependant on resilience of particular strains. As a result i've learned to just give them their space for...
  9. F

    First real grow, need some help and any advice is appreciated!

    Sorta looks like nitrogen deficiency as it's in the new growth on top instead of lower foliage. Not sure how that's possible tho in ff at such a young age? How old is the transplant, possible slight shock? They take water slower sometimes after transplant... Don't over water. Let them tell you...
  10. F

    Spider mites

    stop spraying this when you're about 4 weeks before chop. In week 4 FLWR I usually just mist with regular water, the girls seem to like it and also I believe it keeps my flowers clean and the mites hate it. I have been using only this product for 3 years (over 36 harvests) and have yet to notice...
  11. F

    Spider mites

    Here's what I use:
  12. F

    Spider mites

    I use neem oil.. During outbreak first week they get it every other day (paying special attention to undersides of leaves) for the first week then once a week after.... All my plants are on a once a week regimen. I have no pest issues doing this. Spray right before lights go out as neem can...
  13. F

    Curling downwards, rust spots, early hair darkening

    Yessir... stuff has to drain for sure! I had an experience with this once and come to think of it looked sorta similar. I bet your on to it with that notion. Water/nutes stand to long it will stagnate and begin to go rancid (Acidic).... Plant will lock up for sure! Drill some (lots) dime size...
  14. F

    Curling downwards, rust spots, early hair darkening

    Yes, now I see some speckles.. looks a bit similar to spider mite bites. Could be dust, but check the underside of the leaves with a loupe as rightfully (good eye SheeshM!) suggested by SheeshM, good idea. Have you experienced pests in your environment ever before?
  15. F

    Curling downwards, rust spots, early hair darkening

    put a fan on the pots to help them dry up a bit.
  16. F

    Curling downwards, rust spots, early hair darkening

    Yikes man! lol.. ok, what medium and nutes (I got that you use FF tiger, but anything else?), are you brewing teas? Whats the PH of your medium? When I need to do an emergency flush I use regular water bubbled for 24 hrs then Ph'd to low 6's as I use soil (soil and soil hybrids like to sit...
  17. F

    Curing is overrated

    I can agree with that actually. I believe curing replaces a plants natural cycle of senescence... If a plant is allowed to properly do this on its own curing may not be required. Studies have even indicated chlorophyll can be broke down with lights on and colder Temps sorta like plants do in...
  18. F

    Curing is overrated

    Curing continues to aid the process of breaking down chlorophyll, sugars and other impurities thus basically just putting a cherry on top of your hard work. Curing is often not required and is completely preferential to most. Curing can impact taste and smoothness of smoke IF REQUIRED. I am...
  19. F

    Curing is overrated

    Unfortunately the AOL days of internet are over, that was fun. Modern internet has in recent years developed into the most powerful research tool in our lifetime. When a collective voice of billions worldwide tell you the pen is blue, it's.... Well likely blue. The fact is cannibus cultivation...