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  1. N

    A little advice please

    Every single leave on the plant was dead and I cut them down because the out side of the buds felt like they was starting to crisp up like they was drying out. It’s like the roots just stopped pulling moisture up from the soil
  2. N

    A little advice please

    Well it don’t look like there is seeds in it and the soil was still wet through out after I cut them down I went through the soil to see the roots.
  3. N

    A little advice please

    Ok my plants stopped budding in about week 6 of flowering All the leaves died on the plant and I couldn’t figure out why so I went ahead and chipped them down before the buds died as well so I can get some kind of smokable bud off them. The PH was good it was a little hotter then I liked and I...
  4. N

    Plants getting way to tall

    I’m trying to figure out a way to bend and tie down the branches but I am out of room in my tent not sure how I can tie them down
  5. N

    Plants getting way to tall

    The stretch last about 2 weeks correct
  6. N

    Plants getting way to tall

    They have grown this big because I had them in a room with out a tent that was about 10 ft tall and things happened and I had to move them to the tent hoping they wouldn’t get to big
  7. N

    Plants getting way to tall

    Not really sure the height when flowering started or now but the tent is about 6 and a half foot tall the plants are about 2 and a half ft from the lights when I put my hands away from the I stop feeling heat about a foot away. I have 4 strains in there big bud chocolope amnesia haze and grand...
  8. N

    Plants getting way to tall

    Anything I can do to stop the stretch I’m worried they might get to close to the lights they are just now starting there 2nd week in flower and I say they can grow about 8in safely
  9. N

    Help leaves turning colors with spots

    Appreciate it so much thank you
  10. N

    Help leaves turning colors with spots

    I am not using the organic version tiger bloom is organic so I’ll cut out the big bud and use only tiger bloom and I will check the run off as well get the ph in check also
  11. N

    Help leaves turning colors with spots

    Should I just use the tiger bloom that is organic
  12. N

    Help leaves turning colors with spots

    I don’t think so I’m actually thinking of taking it out because it’s not
  13. N

    Help leaves turning colors with spots

    Thanks I was thinking this but was not for sure
  14. N

    Help leaves turning colors with spots

    The water I try to get the color of it to look like it is between 5.5 and 6.5 nutrients are fox farm tiger bloom and big bud and I am growing in soil which is fox farm ocean forest. And I’ll try to get pics soon with lamps off
  15. N

    Help leaves turning colors with spots

    We are just starting our third week of flowering I noticed some leaves started turning yellow just thought this was a natural thing. Then the leaves start looking like in the picture and I can’t find any thing that can help me with the problem I know there is some experienced growers in here...
  16. N

    Ac questions

    I have a portable ac unit in my grow tent but I want to use the room it takes up for more plants. Is there a way I can get the cool air into the tent with the ac outside of the tent. Is there something made that can go on the front of the ac unit like a hose and I can run the hose into tent.
  17. N

    How many plants

    If I were to put 32 5 gallon how long would you go before sending them into flowering
  18. N

    15 plants cant wait

    2 more days and I will start flowering I had heat issues other then that everything seemed to go good I topped them twice
  19. N

    How many plants

    I have a9x4 tent 6.5 ft talk I will be using 2 1000 watt lights with fox farm ocean forest soil. I’m trying to get advice on how many plants should I grow to get the most yields in this setup I will be growing from seed
  20. N

    Is 1000 watt HPS overkill in 4X4 tent?

    I have 1000 watt hps in a 4x4 and I’m doing screen or green method I let them grow for about 60 days tucked when needed on the first net then I put a second bet about a foot from the first one and started tucking there as needed. I’m in my second week of flowering and everything been going great