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  1. R

    A perfect cure every time

    Well put, and helpful. I basically ruined four months of my life a cpl months ago. Patience isn’t just a river in Egypt.
  2. R

    I call bull shit! Either that OR you need better weed.

    I call bull shit! Either that OR you need better weed.
  3. R

    Thoughts on this feeding schedule please

    Was planning to use this schedule that was suggested by notg. Going for every two days
  4. R

    Flush drain pan ideas?

    Yes. I’ve found my a answer on here since posting that. Sorry, I’m a nube to the forum world here. Just looking for a draining tray and/or system for flushing. Thanks.
  5. R

    Flush drain pan ideas?

    I’m trying to come up with a stay in place drain pan that will be low profile (out of the way) in the tent. Been looking at pans for washing machines and shit, just curious what everybody else uses. Better ideas?
  6. R

    Good 3x3 led setup?

    I scored a hand me down bundle from a buddy. It’s not my brand but hey, we’re on hard times. I’ve rationed myself to 5 squares per dump in order to get by until the government finishes up there little magic trick.
  7. R

    Good 3x3 led setup?

    They are conditioning us bro.
  8. R

    What are you growing in 2020??

    OG kush, Melon Gum, Bubble Gum, a blueberry headband and a new strain from G13 called 11 roses (freebie)
  9. R

    Why is my plant super wilted

    Taco’d leaves I believe means over water. Stick your finger in about an inch. Dry or wet?
  10. R

    Slow growing young seedling

    Start off under a t5. Seedlings have no business under even a cheap led. I’ve completely veg’d under a 4 ft/4bulb. Heat around 80, humidity around 50. 10 degree temp decline at lights out.
  11. R

    First Timer, running into problems

    Definitely a deficiency! Google cannabis deficiencies and find a good link for some pictures. I think leafly has a good one. But I always would start with a flush! First signs of craziness and I wash them roots. I was reluctant my first time or two but it’s really your first move here. I would...
  12. R

    Good 3x3 led setup?

    Try finding toilet paper tho! Ain’t happenin.
  13. R

    Good 3x3 led setup?

    No, just the most convenient. Everybody got amazon. Prolly buy my next car off there.
  14. R

    Good 3x3 led setup?

    Man, everyone shits on amazon LED’s and I get it. But for a small home grow I have to think they are sufficient. Plus I’ve seen good results so I’m gonna run with it. Good luck bro.
  15. R

    First time with led, looking for pointers

    You think the Hlg all the way thru? Felt like I should seek more blue spec and also just let them chill til flower to preserve them.
  16. R

    Good 3x3 led setup?

    There are a million and one choices and 3 million opinions for every choice. For me it’s all about trial and error at this point. I’m going to run two Hlg 550 eco’s for flower. Just figured I’d let them chill and only use these amazon lights for veg. Get more life from the high dollars.
  17. R

    First time with led, looking for pointers

    Wow they really stretched tho huh? I’m trying for shorter internode distance. More branches more buds. So I hear that more blue spe i definitely hear what your saying but I have a friend that used them, for veg only mind you, and had really good results. That’s what led me to them. Also it’s...
  18. R

    Good 3x3 led setup?

    I have a friend that had really good results with two of the Bestva 1500w you can get on amazon. Strictly for veg tho. She also had her small t5 in there towards the end of veg. But results were on point so I bought two myself. They are like 160 a piece and look and run strong.