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  1. J

    Opium based Hashish - Myth...?

    I smoked Kashmir very brittle laced with trace amounts of white marble of what was supposed to be opium. Hard black hash that was potent to the point of inducing vomiting. The most potent black hash I have ever smoked and have not seen it since the 70,'s If you ask me it did exist. A close...
  2. J

    Too early to chop?

    Thank you Doug, appreciate your help.
  3. J

    Too early to chop?

    Thanks, it got as low as 36 one night but it made it. Yes this week looks like I will cruise through but I was concerned with rain and cool nights. Growing OG and O understand bud rot is possible.
  4. J

    Too early to chop?

    Would you consider the trichomes clear when you enlarge the pic? I thought they kind of looked cloudy?
  5. J

    Too early to chop?

    Ontario, 3 spotty frosts overnight last week.
  6. J

    Too early to chop?

    Thank you for your welcome and advise. I was afraid that was the case. Time is running out on me. I will never make weeks with the cold nights. I will try and hang in.
  7. J

    Too early to chop?

    Photo transplanted into ground June 15th. Opinions welcome, trying to avoid bud rot.
  8. J

    Wait what..... i have to wash??????

    I'm a first time grower and I washed a harvested plant today. I had to get off powdery mildew that I had been fighting for weeks. I rinsed them in baking soda, peroxide and fresh water baths. It did a great job but I'm a little paranoid that maybe mold will set in if I'm not careful. I will...
  9. J

    Thank you

    As a first time grower, I would like to thank everybody for their knowledge which they have passed on, which has helped me tremendously. Cheers!
  10. J

    Newbie question

    Thank you so much. I guess once it breaks free and stands up then it's time to remove cover and give it light? Is natural indirect ok?
  11. J

    Newbie question

    After reading numerous threads on germination, best methods etc., I decided to do the following : Scuffed my seed, soaked it 6 hours in a glass of water( it sunk after I pushed it down) and placed it in a hydrated jiffy pellet. After 2 days, I noticed the hull of the seed breaking through the...